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Srinidhi feels that KTH gave her the freedom to explore her passion

Srinidhi comes from India and studied at KTH between 2015 and 2017. She is a passionate Indian classical dancer, collects coins and cooks delicious food whenever not dancing.

What made you choose KTH and your Master’s programme?

After my under graduation, I worked for a couple of years in an architectural consultancy in India as a green building associate. At that point of time, I realised that I needed expertise in the field of sustainability and environment to enhance my profile. After a thorough analysis, I felt KTH was the place to build the career that I was looking for. The excellent reputation as a technical university and the geographic advantage of being in Sweden, the first green capital of Europe, added more significance. As I was looking for a programme within sustainability, my natural choice was the EESI Programme which encompasses all the areas of sustainability, including the environmental aspects of engineering.

What do you see as the greatest aspects of your Master’s programme?

I sincerely believe in equality of all human beings, and it is our responsibility to ensure we all work towards a sustainable world to provide a better place to live for not just for the current generation but also for future generations. This programme has provided me with a global platform to comprehend the same and an opportunity to dive deep into this vision. The classes consist of a good mix of international students, facilitating the exchange of information and affairs on a global scale.

What do you like most about KTH?

KTH gives me the freedom to explore my passion by means of courses, guidance and support as and when required. Swedes believe in the balance of life, work and play. THS (the KTH Student Union) and its student organisations make the student life at KTH more fun.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Sweden, to me, is synonymous to ‘sustainability’ -- this is how I would describe the nation. It is beautiful, with ample greenery and parks. The seasons bring their richness in colour and Stockholm looks pretty in all the seasons. The lakes and beaches add a nice feel to the country. Being in Stockholm makes me feel closer to nature despite being amidst a bustling city.

What do you like most about being here?

From nature to the nature of people in Sweden, I love everything. The acceptance of all cultures and to promote the goodness of them in a good spirit is the primary factor that would make anyone fall in love with this place.

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

Just like how parents cherish the moment when their kids take the ‘first step’, my ‘first step’ at KTH Campus would remain as one of the most memorable moments in KTH.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

Studying in an international school like KTH gives me exposure to various cultures and backgrounds, which I didn’t experience earlier. Almost all courses at KTH involve group work amongst students of different academic and social backgrounds, which is stimulating on its own.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

Bang on! There can be no better place than this to increase your knowledge and enhance your love towards your passion and create an opportunity in life to explore things you might have dreamt of.