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Lorenzo comes from New York, USA and he has his Bachelors in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, Minor Biomedical Engineering from Clarkson University in the US. He always stays active whether it’s traveling the world, running marathons, scuba diving, or eating at a local food truck with some friends.

What made you choose KTH?

I chose KTH because I had a burning desire to move to Stockholm, Sweden, for its culture, nature, and endless opportunities. KTH provided the education and roadmap in order to accomplish my goal of working in Sweden.

What do you like most about KTH?

I love that KTH, specifically my programme, allows for a proper work -life balance. It gives students the opportunity to work at a start up or an established firm and apply what they are learning in class in real time. I also like how I can take my elective classes at four other renowned universities in Stockholm. 

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

My impression of Stockholm is that it’s often overlooked compared to other European capitals. It goes without saying that this country and capital have some of the best universities in the world in addition to some of the happiest people I have ever met. It can’t be the sun, as that’s virtually non-existent in the winter, so it must be the clean air (or most likely the glogg).

What is your best memory from your time at KTH so far?

I can’t pinpoint the exact best memory, and it sounds cliché, but every moment has been my best memory. Moving to a new country is a big change so every second is new and different therefore creating a memory that I will never forget. I collected over 4,000 photos in my first year at KTH, and each time I look back at them I have a range of responses including happiness, literal LOLs, sadness (some friends left), amazement, and embarrassment. I do have to thank KTH for introducing me to my fellow classmates that are now my best friends. I moved to a new country without knowing anyone, but the university ensured this didn’t last very long. All my greatest memories are with the friends I made within the first few weeks at the KTH social events.

Are there any differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

Yes, of course! My home university was in a different country and had an entirely different educational track. First, the KTH academic year is divided into 4 periods instead of 2 semesters. Second period finals are directly after the Christmas holiday, so you have to spend your vacation studying. The concept of retaking a final exam for a better grade is a foreign concept in the US. Most obviously, the native language is Swedish, although all classes are taught in English. However, it is still best to learn some key words for interacting at the café and library and with your new Swedish friends. Finally, the class schedule changes each week. For example, my Finance class could be at 8 a.m. on Monday in D33 one week then Tuesday at 3 p.m. in B2 the following week. Note, classes always begin 15 minutes after their scheduled start time. I’m told it’s a Swedish thing.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for their master's studies?

You will not regret it. The university truly prepares you for an international career that can take you anywhere in almost any field. At the completion of the Industrial Management master's programme, you will have a well-rounded education that teaches you leadership, finance, supply chain, management, and various other areas in addition to the required bachelor engineering degree. I was once a hard-core engineer in the US working at companies like General Electric, Corning Incorporated, and Stryker designing equipment and products using the latest 3D software. Now in Sweden I am working as a Customer Demand Planner for P&G. Talk about a career change! The career and international opportunities are endless for KTH students.

What do you see as the most significant aspects of your programme?

I see the programme syllabus as the most significant aspect, as it is a well-rounded fast-track management programme for those in the technology industry. I am receiving education in areas such as supply chain, leadership, management, finance, etc., at a perfect level. It’s broad enough that I can apply it to my engineering background and use it to make a difference in my career. 

Are you taking part in any student activities?

Yes, I am involved in the KTH Industrial Management student board as the internal activity planner. As a group we make sure the quality of our education is up to standards, plan company events, host case events, and organise social events. I am also a swimmer on the KTH Simförening team. Finally, I run A LOT and do running events throughout the year and even sometimes participate on the KTH orienteering team.

Do you have a dream job after graduating from KTH?

As of right now I am at my dream job and hope to stay here long term. No subtle hint to my boss if she ever finds this.