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"At KTH there are many opportunities for me to learn and adapt with new technology and creating my own innovation"

Ela comes from Jogjakarta, Indonesia and graduated from Duta Wacana Christian University in informatics engineering. In her spare time, she loves to explore the different parts of Stockholm and visit new places. Besides that, she loves to get involved in human-computer interaction projects.

What made you choose KTH and your master’s programme? 

As one of the best technological universities in Europe with a well-known innovative culture, KTH was my first choice to pursue a master’s degree in interactive media technology. Since I am so passionate about user experience and interaction design, the master’s programme in Interactive Media Technology is a perfect course for me. With this programme, I can learn how to design a better product practically and theoretically. In addition, this programme requires the involvement of students in several group projects, and thus offering students opportunity to interact each other and implement the knowledge from the classroom in a practical context.

Furthermore, at KTH there are many opportunities for me to learn and adapt with new technology and creating my own innovation. Not only providing its students with research facilities, KTH also provides the opportunity to do internships at various companies. It is a wonderful chance for me to develop a bigger network and gain insight into the digital industry internationally. KTH also located in the city of Stockholm, a home for innovation and technology. The digital economic climate of the city and how Sweden implemented technology in many aspects of life, attracted me to go there and I hope I will have a chance to attend many inspiring technological events and conferences in Sweden.

What do you like most about KTH? 

KTH has the best environment for students. You can balance your life between study and social activities at the same time. The education at KTH is very international and it’s not difficult to have a conversation with teachers and friends since everybody speaks a very good English in Sweden. What I like the most is there are many spaces for students to study and hangout with friends at the same time. There are many chairs and tables spread over the campus and equipped with electricity nearby so it is very easy to do your works or even to browse anything on your laptop or phone everywhere.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Stockholm is a very beautiful city with very good nature and environment. The air and the water are very clean and you can get very close to nature even if you feel like in the middle of a bustling city. In addition, the sustainability in Sweden is really awesome. Almost everything in Sweden is environmentally friendly and you can see people very appreciating the nature and their environment. And these are just a little part of the beauty of Sweden. There are many things on my list which impress me while living in Stockholm. The city will never lose its charm to amaze people.

What do you like most about being here?

Living and studying in Stockholm is a good way for me to interact with people from many different cultures and fields. I can get inspired by many stories from many different people, and also from the beautiful nature and environment in Stockholm

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

I just arrived at KTH 2 months ago but time has passed very quickly. Within 2 months I met new friends and learn a lot of things in the classroom. My best memory so far is when I was doing my pre-sessional English course in August. The programme was really helpful and there were many inspiring sessions to improve my academic English skills. It was not only developing my academic skill but also my personal skill to build a good relation in the international community. Besides that, it was my first international circles in Sweden and I have a wonderful memory with friends and teachers in the course.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

There are a lot of differences in the education system between my home university and KTH. The big difference is the informal and non-hierarchical structure at KTH. We can get a friendly conversation with the teachers and they were really helpful in many aspects of the course. There is also the academic quarter and a break within a class. This is a new time management system for me, but it helps me relax and gather my focus again before a class.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

There are many opportunities in the campus for you to learn and grow. Don’t be afraid to connect with friends and professors at KTH. They will gladly help you with academic matters and you can get inspired by their stories. KTH website is a good place to start exploring your interest and choose the courses you like. At KTH you will meet an amazing student life inside the classroom or outside the classroom. There are many activities offered for the students and you can balance your study with an enjoyable life in Stockholm.