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Johanna is working as a Work Environment Engineer at Sweden’s leading health company

Johanna graduated from the master’s programme in Technology, Work and Health in 2022. She is now working as a Work Environment Engineer at Feelgood Svenska AB, Sweden’s leading health company for today’s working life.

Johanna Morin

Johanna Morin
Master’s programme in Technology, Work and Health

Hi Johanna, what are you doing at the moment?

I now work as a Work Environment Engineer/ MSc Ergonomist at Feelgood, an occupational health service here in Sweden.

In my role as a Work Environment Engineer, I work with teams and individuals across an organization to create a culture that promotes health and safety. Throughout my work, I emphasize why a holistic approach (HTO) within the work environment is needed for an effective and functional work environment. Every day is different, just as every business and person is different.

Have you worked with anything else since you graduated?

After my degree, I also worked within a Project Unit that focused on the work environment in construction and civil engineering projects.

Why did you choose this programme at KTH?

My decision to study at KTH was influenced by its work environment, engineering perspective, and good recommendations. Interdisciplinary connections between technology, design, environment, and medicine within the realm of health, safety, and well-being were also appealing.

Are there any insights you acquired during your studies that have been extra useful for you in your career?

I have used the knowledge gained during the programme in many ways during my professional trajectory. Through them, I have gained a wide understanding and skills in analyzing and reasoning from multiple perspectives.

What was the best aspects of your studies at KTH?

The best parts of studying at KTH have been the diversity and knowledge among students and teachers. Tasks and challenges in project work and courses have also contributed to my development. The collaborative learning setting is so stimulating and fun!

What is your best memory from your time at the universities?

My best memory from my time at KTH was during a course that had varied teaching techniques. By doing role plays, we had to challenge ourselves to argue about work environment economics. It then became clear that there are many perspectives and opinions within work areas, which led to many discussions (and also laughter!!).

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are to continue developing in my new role at the workplace and on the EHSS (Ergonomy & Human Factors) board. The changing working life poses ongoing challenges, which makes the area so interesting!

What would you want to say to a student thinking of applying for this programme?

I recommend applying to this programme if you're interested in this area. As part of this interdisciplinary programme, you can choose from a number of interesting and high-quality courses. You will also meet many friendly, encouraging and competent students as well as teachers and researchers, which will leave you with a good network for the future!