Undergraduate studies at INDEK
INDEK accounts for most of the education in finance, management and organization at KTH.
It is clear that today’s society has a big need of highly educated engineers that combine deep technical knowledge and expertise with good knowledge of finance, management and organization. With this starting point INDEK has developed a wide range of courses that covers many parts in the field of Industrial management.
The courses offered consist of basic courses in for example industrial management, management control, project management, marketing, industrial development, financing, economics, entrepreneurship, leadership and organization and of advanced courses that provide specialized knowledge of business development in technology intensive companies and organizations. Many students choose as a completion of their studies to write their master thesis at INDEK.
A significant question within the education in industrial management is the practical relevance of the subject matter, i.e. the connection to the various financial and managerial challenges that engineers and companies within different industrial sectors are faced with.
INDEK plays an important part as one of the main suppliers of courses to the five-year master of science in engineering program in Industrial engineering and management, to the master program in Industrial management (offered to students from half a dozen other engineering programs at KTH as well as to students from other universities) and to the one-year master program in Entrepreneurship and innovation management. INDEK also offers a wide range of open courses to engineering students that want to take a selection of courses in industrial management in addition to their technical courses.
An aim for INDEK is that all of the education shall be based on a solid scientific foundation. The department is therefore focusing on conducting relevant research in industrial management and to use this experience to continuously adapt the content in the existing courses and to develop new courses.
INDEK offers a large amount of second and third cycle courses that you can find on the page with INDEK courses .