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CESIS hosts the 2014 ISGEP workshop

Published Sep 19, 2014

The research center CESIS at INDEK will organize the 2014 workshop for the international research network on studies of exports and productivity,.

ISGEP, the International Study Group on Exports and Productivity is a platform for collaboration between research teams from around the world that study firm behavior in international markets using micro-data. Looking at the linkages between internationalization and various dimensions of firm performance is an extremely fruitful approach to understand the drivers of country competitiveness. ISGEP annual workshops stimulate active knowledge exchange and joint research projects. CESIS hosts the 2014 ISGEP workshop which will take place at KTH September 25-26.  

The theme of the 2014 meeting is "Micro-econometric Analyses of International Firm Activities". As a leading expert in this area of international  economics, Professor  Tierry Mayer (Department of Economics, Science PO, Paris) will deliver a keynote speech September 25. A selection of the papers presented at the workshop will be published in a special session of the Web of Science Journal  "Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal" after usual referee process.

Page responsible:Sébastien Gustin
Belongs to: Industrial Economics and Management
Last changed: Sep 19, 2014