The division of Process Technology at KTH has a unique competence in the area of chemical conversion of energy and matter. Illustration of the research areas and research at different scales at our division can be seen below.
We work on physical and chemical processing, from understanding catalytic reactions at the atomic and molecular scale to designing and optimizing reactors and processes in close collaboration with industrial partners.
Process technology has an extensive cooperation both within academic research programmes, such as Swedish Gasification Centre (SFC) and KIC InnoEnergy, and also with several industrial companies , such as Cortus Energy AB, Höganäs, Nynas, Preem, Stockholm Exergi, Alstom, E.ON, Haldor Topsøe, Sasol, Statoil, Scania, Volvo AB, Meva Energy AB, Phoenix Biopower AB, Qleanair Scandinavia, Tenmat, IVL, Johnson Matthey, Casale, Umicore, Ozone Tech Systems, Centriair, 3nine AB, etc