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About us

The department hosts a variety of research groups in both pure and applied mathematics and is responsible for all mathematical education at KTH.

Our research activity includes a variety of international collaborations as well as tight ties with Stockholm University (via the Stockholm Mathematics Centre) and other national universities (via WASP and other projects). The proximity to the Institute Mittag-Leffler provides an important and fruitful interaction.

The department is directly responsible for the bachelor program in Engineering Mathematics (to start in 2021), two master programs: Mathematics (in collaboration with SU) and Computational and Applied Mathematics, and two Ph.D. programs under the same names.

Research areas

The department consists of four divisions:

and one interdisciplinary area:


The department organizes a large number of weekly seminars and colloquia:

Funding agencies and co-operations

The research of the department is partly funded by

  • Brummer & Partners (BP)
  • Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW)
  • Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP)
  • Göran Gustafsson Foundation (GG)
  • Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • European Research Council (ERC)
  • Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
  • Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT)
  • Swedish e-Science Research Center (SeRC)

See our Co-operations  for further co-operations.