Too Loud and Too Bright
Too Loud and Too Bright - Tales of quietness and darkness

The Thematic Working Group Too Loud and Too Bright wants to investigate how human intervention on primordial landscapes and overexposure to human created sounds and lights have influenced our most used senses when it comes to fruition of night skies and eco-sounds: our eyes and our hearing. Light and sound research, including light and sound perception, lighting and sound design, and light and sound influence on health and environment are at the core of the research, both from scientific and artistic perspectives. Light and sound and their combination are crucial aspects of the unbuilt/natural and/or built environment. Both light and sound “(ab)use” are main factors defining anthropized areas.
It is hence of paramount importance to reflect upon the effects that human actions/interventions on light and sound can generate inside and outside urban spaces, particularly during this era of digital transition, that metropolitan spaces are witnessing.
Involved researchers in the TWG are:
Contact person: Costanza Julia Bani (SKH)
Roberto Bresin (KTH)
Ute Besenecker (KTH)
Jenny Sunesson (SKH)
Kim Hedås (KMH)
Ricardo Atienza (Konstfack)
Johanna Enger (Konstfack)
Lars Annersten (Scenkonstmuseet/Swedish museum of performing arts)
Renzo Vitale (BMW Group Munich)