Higher Seminar Spring 2023
The Higher Seminar is the colloquium series of the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH. Invited guests as well as our own researchers presents seminar on themes from our core areas of history.

Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH
Colloquia are held in the seminar room at the Division (Teknikringen 74 D, level 5)
if nothing else is noted.
16 January 13.15-14.45
The Nuclear Water Nexus
Per Högselius, Professor, the Division
30 January 13.15-14.45
Book presentation: Resistance to the Current
Johan Söderberg, Associate Professor, University of Göteborg
10 February 13.15-15.00 Friday, On Zoom
Mid-seminar: Historical and sociological perspectives of Mozambique Responses to HIV/AIDS, 1986-2020
Araujo Domingos, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: Henrik Ernstson, Associate Professor, Department of SEED, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
13 February 13.15-14.45
Enough! A modest political ecology for an uncertain future
Mary Lawhon, Senior Lecturer of Human Geography, University of Edinburgh
20 February 13.15-14.45
Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha
Robert Jacobs, Professor of History, Hiroshima City University
6 March 13.15-14.45
Caring for our Academic Commons: The Research Seminar as a Community of Practice
Marie Cronqvist, Associate Professor of Media History and Journalism, Lund University
13 March 13.15-15:00
Final seminar: Planetary Timekeeping: Paleoclimatology and the Temporalities of Environmental Knowledge. 1950-1990
Erik Isberg, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: Dania Acherman, Senior Scientist, University of Bern
20 March 13.15-15.00
Final seminar: The Soviet Union's Nuclear Waters
Achim Klüppelberg, Doctoral Student, the Division Opponent: Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, Associate Professor of Criminology and Sociology, Kingston University London
3 April 13.15-15.00
Mid-Seminar: Universities and innovation in Africa: Contemporary histories of innovation policy and practice in a selection of African universities
Domingos Langa, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: TBC
24 April 13.15-15.00
Mid-Seminar: Virtues of the Humanities: Arenas of Quality Articulation In Humanities Research, 1980s to 2020s
Klara Müller, Doctoral Student the Division
Opponent: Vera Schwach, Doctor and Research Professor at NIFU, Nordisk Institutt for Studier av Innovasjon, Forskning og Utdanning
8 May 13.15-14.45
What constitutes a reflexive event in near-Earth space?
Luca Thanei, doctoral student from ETH Zürich, and guest at the Division
22 May 13.15-15.00
Final seminar Ideas and politics of development in northern Canada since 1945
Jean-Sébastien Boutet, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: Richard Powell, Professor of Arctic Studies at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge
30 May 13.15-15.00 Tuesday, On-site and on Zoom
Final seminar: The Nuclear Rhine
Alicia Gutting, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: Timothy Moss, Senior Researcher at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys), Humboldt University of Berlin
2 June 10.00
Disputation: "På spaningen efter vetenskapens självstyre - föreställningar och förhållningssätt i styrningen och organisationen av universitetsforskningen"
Ulrika Bjare, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: Charlotte Silander, lektor, Institutionen för didaktik och lärares praktik, Linnéuniversitetet
13 June 13.15-15.00 Tuesday
Final seminar: Streams, Steams, and Steels:
A History of Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Risk Governance (1850-1990)
Siegfried Evens, Doctoral Student, the Division
Opponent: Markku Lehtonen, Social Scientist, University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona