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Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics, CHE

KTH, Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University have together established the Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics, CHE. CHE addresses ethical issues in medical care, preventive healthcare and biomedical research.

This includes the ethical problems arising in the practice of different medical and nursing professions, plus ethical aspects of the development, use and testing of techniques and methods for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The field of activity also encompasses basic public policy decisions concerning investments in healthcare and medicine.

CHE engages in research, training, knowledge production, basic training and information within this area. The research includes both applied projects and projects of a more basic kind aimed at deepening our understanding of ethnical problems of significance for healthcare and medicine and for biomedical research.

The research contributions from the division of philosophy at KTH currently have a focus on ethical aspects of the introduction and use of medical technology, person-centered care, clinical trials, evidence based medicine, and research ethics,

Ongoing research project