Björn Palm
About me
Björn Palm is senior-professor in Energy Technology and was up to december 2022 leading the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration. The division has about 35 employees including ph.d. students.
Björn got his ph.d. degree in 1991 and his thesis was about enhancing heat transfer in boiling. He has since then been working at KTH in different positions, as research assistant, associate professor and full professor. He became a docent in 2000 and full professor in 2006. He was the head of the Department of Energy Technology between 2011 and 2017.
Björn has been engaged in the internal processed at KTH in several different ways, as elected member of the central faculty collegium, as member of KTH-S, as member of the central recruitment committee, as member of the ITM management group and as faculty representative in the board of KTH.
Björn's research is mainly focused on heat pumping technology for heating and cooling, both system aspects and component development, and heat transfer. Some areas of special interest are systems with natural refrigerants, heat transfer in boiling and condensation, methods of enhancing heat transfer, microchannel heat exchangers, nanofluids.... In all research projects the driving motivation is increased energy efficiency and decreased environmental impact.
Applied Heat and Power Technology (MJ2426), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Energy Systems, Sustainability and Industrial Engineering, first cycle (MJ148X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Energy Technology, Second Cycle (MJ218X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Energy Technology, Second Cycle (MJ240X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Energy Technology, Second Cycle (MJ241X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Sustainable Energy Engineering, First Cycle (MJ146X), examiner | Course web
Energy Systems (MJ1145), teacher | Course web
Methods of research in sustainable energy (MJ2510), teacher | Course web