Brady Burroughs
Om mig
Brady Burroughs is an architect, teacher and researcher interested in questions of positioning and power, experimental pedagogical practices, and making critical ideas accessible beyond academic circles. She holds an undergraduate architectural degree from Virginia Tech, USA, has completed extensive coursework in Gender Studies at Stockholm University, and has previous experience practicing in architectural offices in the U.S., Switzerland and Sweden. Initiator/Editor of the ongoing seriesFeminist Thinkers for Architects, (Lorde, 2023 & Ahmed,2019) , with many years experience (pedagogical, organizational, economic, and personell) as Head of Second Year, she currently works as a lecturer at KTH School of Architecture, where she holds a PhD in Critical Studies of Architecture.
Architectural Flirtations: A Love Storey, 2016, PhD Thesis
Graphic Design: collaboration w/ YMPA- Andrejs Ljunggren and Iwa Herdensjö
Architectural Flirtations: A Love Storey (2016), is written as an architectural pulp fiction (in the guise of several alter egos) and focuses on design education in intersections of gender, race and sexuality. This queer-feminist work explores improper and unserious practices, to unsettle habitual modes of criticism and relocate and reimagine a serious and privileged discipline.
All of the (love) storeys take place on March 21st, the spring equinox, in and around a 1977 row house project calledCase Unifamiliariin Mozzo, Italy, designed by Aldo Rossi and Attilio Pizzigoni. Beda Ring, PhD researcher, constructs a Campy renovation of one of these row houses, full of theatricality, humor, andsignificant otherness; while architectural pedagogue, Brady Burroughs, guides a student group from KTH in an Architecture and Gender course; and Henri T. Beall, practicing architect, attends to the details upstairs.
Download PDF.
2021 Included in Women Writing Architecture online collection, with annotations by Amy Perkins. LINK TO ARCHITECTURAL FLIRTATIONS
Ahmed for Architecture Students, 2019 (Download PDF.)
Calling all architectural feminist killjoys!
Together with a group of master’s architecture students at KTH, we have collectively produced a fanzine, introducing Sara Ahmed’s critical ideas and concepts in relation to the specific situation of the architecture student. The fanzine is both a documentation of our seminar course in critical theory and a critical comment on the Routledge series of Thinkers for Architects, which includes 1/15 female thinkers.
We have made the fanzine openly accessible online. On the back of the cover, you will find DIY Instructions to assemble your own fanzine. We encourage you to share the link to the DiVA database for download, and why not organize a ‘DIY Fanzine workshop’, to make and share the fanzine with friends? Bake a lemon poppy seed cake for starters and be sure to use recycled paper!
2024 Article onAhmed for Architecture Students,Heja alla feministiska glädjedödare!, Karin Andersson, i SLU Tänkesmedjan Movium, 3 March.
2021 Article onAhmed for Architecture Students in The Feminist Spatial Practice Book Club,Feminist Killjoy!, Charlotte Thomas, A.ZINE, 21 February.
2021 Included in Women Writing Architecture online collection, with annotations by Amy Perkins. LINK TO AHMED FOR ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS
Lorde for Architecture Students (Winter 2023) Download PDF.
As a continuation of the series Feminist Thinkers for Architects, architect/artist Afaina de Jong, in collaboration with CLAIMING*SPACES and master’s architecture students at TU Wien, has developed the second fanzine,Lorde for Architecture Students. Throwing shade at the homogenous selection of thinkers in the 18 current titles of Routledge’sThinkers for Architects, this publication acts as a comment on- and complement to the original series.
Developed online (w/Covid restrictions) during spring 2021 and concluding with the second CLAIMING*SPACES Conference - Whose History? in spring 2022, the fanzine aims to connect key themes (silence, dismantling, difference, the erotic, anger) from five essays in Audre Lorde’s bookSister Outsider (1984) to everyday situations of the architecture student. It calls for architects and architectural educators to “do the work” to imagine spaces of freedom.
Recent Public Events & Press
2024 Fanzine Open Reading Circle: Feminist Thinkers for Architects presentation, TU Wien (online) (Organizers: Claiming Spaces), 18 April
2024 Fanzine Launch: Lorde for Architecture Students, presentation and discussion w/co-presenters Afaina de Jong, Claiming*Spaces (Inge Manka, Bernadette Krejs, Lauren Janko, Susanne Mariacher), TU Wien master’s architecture students (Cosima Sima, Victoria Fricker), Higher Seminar, KTH & online (Organizers: Janek Oźmin & Alejandra Navarrete Llopis), 2 February. LINK TO INFO
2023 Excerpts fromAhmed for Architecture Students translated & included in exhibition Liberated Space: Care - Architecture - Feminism, curated by Petra Hlaváčková, Bratislava, 21. 9. 2023 - 25. 2. 2024. LINK TO INFO
2023 Article published on urbanNext online forum by Actar Publishers, "Architectural Flirtations, Formerly Known As Critique". LINK TO ARTICLE
2022 Lecture for public lecture seriesHorizonte, Theme: Teaching Architecture, "Architectural Flirtations and Feminist Thinkers", BAUHAUS, Weimar. LINK TO SERIES
2022 Presentation for Claiming*Spaces Conference:Whose History?, "Feminist Thinkers for Architects", Panel 1: Educating Architectures: A Feminist Culture of Learning, TU Wien (YouTube), Vienna. LINK TO PANEL
2022 Lecture for public lecture seriesfrictions, "Bauhaus to Ninja: Assassinating Seriousness in Architectural Education", ESALA - University of Edinburgh (zoom), Scotland. LINK TO LECTURE
2021 Lilla Namos Stad, podcast with Namo Marouf, 'Ras, intersektionell feminism och arkitektur'. LINK TO PODCAST
2021 Feminist Spatial Practice Podcast with Afaina de Jong, ARCAM - Architectuur Centrum Amsterdam LINK TO PODCAST
2021 Panel Discussion with authors from Afaina de Jong's Feminist Spatial Practice Book Club through ARCAM (Leslie Kern, Nirmal Puwar, Brady Burroughs) LINK TO PANEL DISCUSSION
2021 Panel Discussion, Grafikens hus during Science Week,Who gets to plan and live in the city?(Afaina de Jong, Namo Marouf, Jens Evaldsson, Lena From, Nina Beckmann, Sofi Cyréus) LINK TO PANEL
2020 ‘10 Must-Reads on feminism in architecture’, Afaina de Jong, ARCAM LINK TO LIST
2020 Presentation for Parity Talks V - Actions and Accountability, D-ARCH, ETH, Zurich LINK TO PRESENTATION
Image: arch+ 246/Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practice
Burroughs, B. (2024) “Critics: Read This!” in Amy Perkins & Jeremy Waterfield (eds.),gta Papers: THE CRIT, ETH Zurich: gta Verlag, 132-135.
Burroughs, B. & Afaina de Jong, et al. (2023) Lorde for Architecture Students, Feminist Thinkers for Architects 02, Stockholm and Vienna: TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology.
Burroughs, B. (2023) “Dealing with Architecture’s "Daddy Issues": An Ahmedian Therapy Session,” in Torsten Lange, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, Gabrielle Schaad (guest eds.),Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practices, Leipzig: ARCH+/Spector Books, 32-33.
Burroughs, B. (text) & Ebba Bastmark (drawings) (2022) “Villa Mullet: Constructing Architecture’s Phantoms,” in Sebastian Baumann, Sophia Garner, Elisaveta Kriman, Juliette Martin (eds.),Trans Magazin 40: Phantasma, ETH Zurich: gta Verlag, 111-116. Listen here to the article: AUDIO FILE
Burroughs, B. et al. (2019) Ahmed for Architecture Students, Feminist Thinkers for Architects 01, Stockholm: KTH, Royal Institute of Technology.
Burroughs, B. (2019) “Prince Peregrine and the Evil Drag Queen: A Queer Architectural Fairytale On Seriously Valuing The Unserious,” in Anna Maciver-Ek, Julius Henkel, Selina Sigg, Sara Sherif (eds.),Trans Magazin34:Youth, ETH Zurich: GTA Verlag.
Arkitekturprojekt 2:1 Struktur, plats, aktivitet (A21P1C), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Arkitekturprojekt 2:2 - Tectonics, Ornament, Transformation (A21P2B), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Arkitekturprojekt 2:3 Material, rum, detalj (A21P3C), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Arkitekturteknik 2 (A21TEB), lärare | Kurswebb
Arkitekturämnet och Arkitektyrket (A21AYA), lärare | Kurswebb
Representation 2: Fabrikation och deskriptiv geometri (A21REA), lärare | Kurswebb