Helena Mattsson
About me
Helena Mattsson is Professor in History and Theory at KTH School of Architecture. Her research deals with the 20 th century theory on welfare state architecture and contemporary architectural history with a special focus on the interdependency between politics, economy and spatial organizations. Another focus for the research is methods of historiography, and investigations into participatory history writing. She has published in journals such as Nordic Journal of Architecture; Journal of Art History and Journal of Architecture. She is the co-editor for publications such as Swedish Modernism: Architecture, Consumption, and the Welfare State (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2010), the themed issue of Architecture and Culture, “Architecture and Capitalism: Solids and Flows “Architecture and Capitalism”, Architecture and Culture, 2017 and Neoliberalism: An Architectural History (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020) She is currently working on the forthcoming book Architecture and Retrenchment: Aesthetics, spatial politics, and the neoliberalization of the 1980s welfare state (Bloomsbury Publishing).
Mattsson is on the board of European Architectural History Network (EAHN) and Journal of Architecture, and part of the group Action Archive (with Sara Brolund de Carvalho and Meike Schalk).
Architectural Humanities: Theory, History, and Critical Studies (FAD3116), teacher | Course web
Architectural Technology 2 (A21TEB), teacher | Course web
History and Theory of Architecture 2: Architecture Modernity (A21HIC), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
History and Theory of Architecture 3:1 World Architecture (A31H1A), examiner | Course web
History and Theory of Architecture 3:2: Thesis, First Level (A31H2A), examiner | Course web
Representation 2: Fabrication and Descriptive Geometry (A21REA), teacher | Course web
Seminar Course, Advanced Level 4HT (A42SEH), teacher | Course web
Seminar Course, Advanced Level 4VT (A42SEV), teacher | Course web
Seminar Course, Advanced Level 5HT (A52SEH), teacher | Course web
The Discipline and Practices of Architecture (A21AYA), teacher | Course web