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Elling W Jacobsen

Profilbild av Elling W Jacobsen



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Om mig

Elling W. Jacobsen is Professor of Decision and Control with a focus on process control and systems biology. Within process control we consider mathematical modeling and control of chemical and biochemical systems, focusing on understanding the fundamental dynamic behavior of process systems and how this behavior can be modified by physical and synthesized feedback mechanisms. Within systems biology we consider learning the structure of intracellular networks from response data and analyzing the impact of network interactions on cellular functions and their robustness. Professor Jacobsen has previously held positions at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, Caltech and Imperial College. He is a recipient of the O. Hugo Schuck Award from the American Automatic Control Council, the ExxonMobil Prize from NTNU and the Teacher Award "En Fjäder i Hatten" from the Engineering Physics students at KTH. Professor Jacobsen is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Chemical Process Control and a member of the Editorial Board of IET Systems Biology.


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Profilbild av Elling W Jacobsen