Jesper Jerkert
About me
Lecturer (adjunkt), director of undergraduate studies, PhD, Division of Philosophy, KTH.
My main field of interest is philosophy of science. My dissertation (defended in 2021) was about scientific methods and their reliability, and about how to weigh evidence from different research methods, in particular in medical research. For example, I have written about the proper role of mechanistic reasoning in medicine, and about arguments for and against randomisation.
I also take an interest in some other philosophical subfields. For example, I am interested in aesthetics, but I have not yet published within that area.
I have written some extensive course texts, collected in the 300-pages textbook Science in Theory and Practice: An Introductory Survey, KTH 2019 (ISBN 978-91-639-5347-7).
I am course responsible and examiner for the AK2055 course (Theory of science and research methodology for teachers, 4 credits), given in the autumn each year (study period 2), and I am also involved to a lesser degree in various other modules given by the Division of Philosophy in courses owned by other KTH departments.
Applied Computer Science (DD1320), assistant | Course web
Applied computer science with didactics and ethics (DD1326), assistant | Course web
Decision Theory (AK2014), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Engineering Physics, First cycle (SA114X), teacher | Course web
Ethics in Introduction to Computer Science (DD1348), teacher | Course web
Ethics of Biotechnology (AK2008), teacher | Course web
Ethics of Biotechnology (FAK3155), teacher | Course web
Introduction to Theory of Science and Research Methodology, for Graduate Students in Technology and Natural Sciences (FAK3024), teacher | Course web
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology (DA2205), teacher | Course web
Programme Integrating Course in Computer Science Engineering (DD1390), assistant | Course web
Supplementary Course in Theory and Methodology of Science (FAK3012), teacher | Course web
Technology and Ethics (AK2011), teacher | Course web
The Theory and Methodology of Science - Minor Course (FAK3014), teacher | Course web
Theory and Methodology of Science (Natural and Technological Science) (AK2030), teacher | Course web
Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications (Natural and Technological Science) (AK2036), teacher | Course web
Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications (Social Science) (AK2038), teacher | Course web
Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications in biotechnology (CB1030), teacher | Course web
Theory of Science and Research Method, Technological and Natural Sciences (FAK3137), teacher | Course web
Theory of Science and Research Methodology for Teachers (AK2055), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Theory of Science and Research Methodology, Social Science (FAK3138), teacher | Course web
Vehicle Engineering (SD1002), assistant, teacher | Course web