Miguel Mendonça Reis Brandão
Om mig
Dr. Miguel Brandão is Associate Professor in Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment at KTH, Stockholm. Over the last 19 years, he has taught and researched at a number of organizations around the world.
He works with the use of hard systems approaches that can robustly support decisions towards sustainable development. His research has focused on the integrated assessment of bio-based systems, with emphasis on their impacts on climate change, resource depletion, ecosystem services and biodiversity.
He was/is involved in international standardization initiatives (PAS2050, ILCD, FAO LEAP, ISO, GHG Protocol, UNEP Life Cycle Initiative) in the areas of circular economy, life cycle assessment, carbon footprinting, climate-change metrics, land use and biogenic carbon modelling.
He is the coordinator for research and innovation in circular economy at KTH, and formerly KTH's academic responsible for Latin America in the areas of student recruitment, exchange studies, and business and research collaboration.
His interests include: Circular Economy, Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics, Agroecology, Land Use, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Globalisation, Poverty alleviation, Food Security, Bioenergy, Food Systems.
Currently, he is associate editor in the the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Land Use), Clean Technologies, Frontiers in Climate (Carbon Dioxide Removal), Carbon Footprints, Standards, and formerly in the Journal of Industrial Ecology (LCA), Journal of Cleaner Production, Cleaner Environmental Systems and Sustainability.
In 2012, he received the SETAC Europe Young Scientist LCA Award.
Cirkulär ekonomi och industriella system (MJ111V), lärare | Kurswebb
Ekologisk ekonomi (AL2190), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Examensarbete inom industriell ekologi, avancerad nivå (AL227X), examinator | Kurswebb
Examensarbete inom strategier för hållbar utveckling, avancerad nivå (AL250X), examinator | Kurswebb
Hållbar livsmedelsproduktion och konsumtion (AL2110), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Introduktion till industriell ekologi, större kurs (MJ2615), examinator | Kurswebb
Livscykelanalys (AL2608), lärare | Kurswebb
Miljösystemanalys och beslutsfattande (AL2181), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare
Tvärvetenskapliga metoder för innovativa systemåtgärder (AL2115), lärare | Kurswebb