Mihai Mihaescu
About me
Mihai Mihaescu is Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Docent in Fluid Mechanics (KTH, 2013). He is AIAA Associate Fellow and Vice-chair for the ASME Technical Committee on Microturbines, Turbochargers & Small Turbomachinery. In addition to establishing and leading a research group, Prof. Mihaescu is affiliated with FLOW at KTH and with the national competence center AdTherM - Advanced Computing for Sustainable Thermal Management in Industry. He activated as the Director of the Competence Center for Gas Exchange (CCGEx) at KTH between 2019 to 2022 and as CCGEx deputy-director between 2014 to 2019.
Prof. Mihaescu holds a PhD degree in Fluid Mechanics from Lund University (LTH, 2005). He carried out his postdoctoral studies (2005-2007) at the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Gas Dynamics and Propulsion Laboratory, at the University of Cincinnati (UC), USA. After his postdoctoral studies, he continued at UC, serving as Research Associate and then as Research Assistant Professor (until 2011).
Prof. Mihaescu started his career at KTH Royal Institute of Technology initially as Researcher (2011-2014). He continued as Associate Professor (2014-2020), before being promoted to Professor in Fluid Mechanics (2020).
Research interests & Specialties:
Experienced scientist in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aeroacoustics, with an extensive experience in establishing collaborations and performing high-quality research in partnerships with leading organizations in aerospace and automotive industries, energy conversion and medical sciences.
Prof. Mihaescu's research activities are answering to three of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, namely Health, Energy, and Climate action, advancing fundamental knowledge on fluid dynamics to provide physics-based guidance for:
- development of more efficient and environmentally friendly energy conversion and propulsion systems;
- development of fast & accurate predictive simulation tools within this context;
- enhancing understanding of the flow in respiratory system with the purpose of improving quality of life of patients with airway and respiratory disorders.
Research Interests: Fluid dynamics; Aeroacoustics; Flow control; Noise suppression technologies; Turbulent jets; Transonic and supersonic flows; Gas exchange processes associated with propulsion sytems; Turbomachinery and Turbocharging; Biofluid dynamics.
Other profesional activities:
Deputy Head for Education, Department of Engineering Mechanics, SCI, KTH (since 2024).
American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA Associate Fellow (since 2020).
Vice-chair for the ASME Technical Committee on Microturbines, Turbochargers & Small Turbomachinery(since 2023); Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Director of Studies SG courses, Department of Engineering Mechanics, SCI, KTH (since 2023).
Fluid Mechanics Track Coordinator for MSc Engineering Mechanics Programme, SCI, KTH (since 2023).
Director of the Competence Center for Gas Exchange (CCGEx), 2019-2022.
Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Editor: Ahmed Al-Jumaily, PhD.
Associate Editor for Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AIME).
Member of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee (CFDTC), ASME Fluids Engineering Division.
Member of the Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee (FMTC), ASME Fluids Engineering Division.
Honors & Awards:
AIAA Associate Fellow - class of 2020. ”AIAA Associate Fellows are individuals of distinction who have made notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics.”
Swedish Research Council (VR) Grant, VR 2020-04857, 2021.
Swedish Research Council (VR) Grant, VR 621-2012-4256, 2013.
The Göran Gustafsson Young Scientist Award (UU/KTH), Sweden, 2012.
Faculty Development Council Individual Award for Professional Development, University of Cincinnati, USA, 2009.
1st Place Award - Basic Science at Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings /American Society of Pedriatic Otolaryngology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007.
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (SG2224), examiner | Course web
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (FSG3224), examiner | Course web
Computational Fluid Dynamics (SG2212), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Fluid Mechanics, Second Cycle (SG213X), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Mechanics, Second Cycle (SG212X), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Mechanics I (SG1130), teacher | Course web
Mechanics, Smaller Course (SG1102), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics (FSG3114), examiner | Course web
Project Course in Engineering Mechanics (SG2010), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Sustainable development and research methodology in engineering mechanics (SA2002), teacher, assistant | Course web
Thermodynamics (SG1216), teacher | Course web