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Max Yan

Profile picture of Max Yan

About me

Email v2: Type my name, then magic char '@', and string "", w/o space.

My shortest bio:

  • 2024 Feb-: UmU
  • 2009-2024 Jan: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), asst. prof./researcher
  • 2008-2009: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), postdoc/asst. prof.
  • 2006-2008: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), postdoc
  • 1998-2006: Nanyang Technological University (NTU), undergraduate/phd

Research interest:

Check out our page on research group!

Visiting address:

KTH - Albano, house 3, Hannes Alfvéns Väg 12, 11419 Stockholm

Master thesis work available:

  • Revisit Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation (very theoretical!)
  • Nanostructured thermal emitters (theoretical or experimental)
  • Passive radiative cooling (experimental + theoretical)
  • Terahertz fiber (experimental)


Applied Photonics (SK2403), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Engineering Physics, First cycle (SA114X), teacher | Course web

Electromagnetism and Waves (SK1115), teacher | Course web

Electromagnetism and Waves (SK1118), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Fundamentals of Photonics (SK2402), teacher, assistant | Course web

Laser Physics (SK2411), teacher | Course web

Laser Physics (FSK3404), teacher | Course web