Ibrahim Orhan
Communication Networks (HE1033), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Communication Systems (HI1032), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Engineering, First Cycle (HI111X), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Electrical Engineering and Economics, First Cycle (HT101X), course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, First Cycle (HE111X), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Engineering and Information Skills (HF1005), teacher | Course web
Internet of Things (IK1332), teacher | Course web
Internet's Domain Name System (HI1037), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Mobile Applications and Wireless Networks (HI1033), teacher | Course web
Mobile Communications and Wireless Networks (HI1035), teacher | Course web
Routing in IP Networks (HI2002), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Wireless Networks (EP2950), assistant, teacher | Course web