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Lullabyte: creative and analytical sonic interaction design and sonification of sleep data

Creative and analytical sonic interaction design and sonification of sleep data

Lullabyte Project

This project is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) – Doctoral Network “Lullabyte: Unravelling the Effects of Music on Sleep through Musicology, Neuroscience, Psychology and Computer Science” ( funded within the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Commission. 

The Lullabyte network will train a group of 10 interdisciplinary doctoral candidates (DCs) in the fields musicology, neuroscience/psychology, and computer science. The aim is to provide the DCs with strong and intersectorally applicable research skills in empirical research on the effects of music and sound on sleep.

The network consists of 10 excellent institutions, including KTH, from different areas, carrying out a broad range of interlinked studies, and combining the expertise of music research, psychology and neuroscience of sleep, and data science within. This creates a strong interdisciplinary and international network of researchers and leading non-academic partners, providing basis for cutting edge research and innovative training tailored to the special needs of this interdisciplinary field of music and sleep.

Read more about the Lullabyte Doctoral Network HERE

Dr Sandra Pauletto will lead and supervise one PhD student based at KTH in the project Creative and analytical sonic interaction design and sonification of sleep data.

In this project we will focus on identifying the acoustic features involved in promoting sleep, and whether they have a similar role in different sound signals (e.g. environmental sounds v.s. vocal sounds v.s. instrumental music); as well as applying this knowledge to develop personalised interactive sonic applications that promote healthy sleeping behaviours (e.g. a real-time sonic feedback of sleep data; a personalised interactive sonic object that embodies and promotes a new and healthier relationship with one’s sleep behaviour).

This project includes secondments with Miriam Akkermann (TU Dresden, Germany) to examine role of music and the singing voice in relation to sleep, and Thomas Andrillon (Brain Institute Paris, France) to deepen understanding of sleep data to be used for the development of personalised interactive sonic devices for sleep.

For more information about this project email:

TO APPLY (Deadline 5th May 2023):