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December 2015
Lärare Johan Karlander skrev inlägget 1 december 2015
kommenterade 8 december 2015

How about copying relevant lecture slides, is that allowed, or do we have to rewrite the wording?

kommenterade 9 december 2015

Are there any requirements for sizing of text or what you write in the page of notes? 2 full a4 pages can contain a lot of information if you use a small enough font.

kommenterade 9 december 2015

Are there any old examination papers available?

Assistent kommenterade 9 december 2015

No, this is a new examination format. There will be about twenty E-level questions with very short answers and about eight C-level questions with reasonably short answers. We aim to publish the results within 24 hours, so that those of you who get a C may book a time slot for the oral A-exam four days later. 

kommenterade 10 december 2015

So "Each answer will be graded with 0-2 points. To pass you will need at least 1 point on each question and a total of at least 12 points." is not applicable to this exam? Because 20 questions without missing a single one sounds extremely difficult just to get an E.

kommenterade 10 december 2015

So if i get this right , there is no example questions except the ones on the exam page (about eight of them) that are all somewhat specific and detailed about the subjects.

Although these questions is not representative for this new type of exam but implies that details are important like learning names and like. The questions can be on almost everything about philosophy and science (because the course have been widely about different areas), and you need to have at least fifty percent right on every question to pass the E grade. After that you can try on the C grade...and if u pass that, hmm come back and do an oral presentation aswell. 

kommenterade 11 december 2015

1. Why are there no sample questions for level C, or any criteria for A/B examination?

2. How do you even expect us to set us on an appropriate level if we are not even informed of the level?

3. Why have you only put up 8 sample questions and you guys are saying that there should "around" 20 questions on E-level? Obviously these 8 questions can impossibly represent the covered material for 20 questions.

4. How should we know if we should know what e.g. year Kant was born to what the HD-method is? Or do you simply expect us to learn every single detailed fact about everything covered in this course?

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

Johan has put up an axample exam to show the difference between E and C questions, see Exam page.

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

1 Good idea. Sample questions for C and E will appear tonight. In the A/B-exam last year, there was only one question where you could apply many different themes from the course. Example: "Crime prosecution has many goals and concepts in common with science (truth, explanation, ethics etc). Give us your interesting thoughts on analogies and connections relevant for this course."  Possible answer: Crime investigation should use scientific methodology, objectivity. Line-ups randomized. Interrogators shouldn't know the correct answers. Crime scene experiments double blind.HD used to falsify defendant's and prosecutor's hypotheses. Explanations of "how" and "why" expected – correspond to DN and hermeneutics resp. Public access to trial. Defence attorney corresponds to peer review? Reasonable doubt corresponds to 99% confidence? Utilitarian and duty ethics may give different confidence levels.

2 I don't understand that question.

3 On public demand, "around twenty E-questions" will now be exactly 10 E-questions. At the course start, we believed that the number would be eight and that at least one point on each question was needed. I hope it is okay with you if we that condition is revoked.

4 Why should we ask about when Kant was born? Of course all questions will be relevant.

kommenterade 11 december 2015

Henrik, you claim that knowing details like birth years of philosophers is irrelevant, but is that really that different from having to memorize the names of individual philosophers (e.g. the example question about Milgram)? How are we supposed to know how much we should focus on trivia about individuals, rather than the pure theory?

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

Don't worry, all questions will be relevant. (And Milgram wasn't a philosopher!)

kommenterade 11 december 2015

So what is now the point requirement? 50% on any of the E questions?

3 days until the exam and it still doesn't have a clear format. This is seriously ridiculous...

kommenterade 11 december 2015

So are you saying that the question about Milgram isn't representative of the exam (as the only way to answer the question is to have memorized his name)?

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

Arvid, really, you should believe me when I tell you that all exam questions will be relevant!

Henrik, if I remember right, there are ten E-questions for a total of twenty points and you pass on fourteen points. What is "seriously ridiculous" about that?

kommenterade 11 december 2015

Regarding number 2 , i think the meaning is that we are trying to prepare for the exam, but have been given a very large span where to look for information and without any guidelines on how specific we should know things. We have in this course briefly touched many subjects , and a lot of it is things that cannot be answered with a right or wrong answer. When you say the questions will be relevant it gives no new information at all, because relevant for whom? We have briefly touched a lot of different subjects on the seminars all from science, philosophy mathematics to ethics , analysis...so on, the lectures have an equal amount of information plus 15 chapters of book reading (with highly philosophic content) . To only say that the exam will include everything without any example or guidelines is a bit vaguely said.

Things one would like to know is what are the requirements for the E questions , should we know the history of the philosopher's dates methods, things they did? Should we only know about the methods and principles in general, or exact and accurate answers.

What are the requirements for C and A on equal grounds as above.

Examples, guidelines and format of the exam would be preferred. What will be required for E, 50 % of exam, every task or the E part and so on..... 

And all respect but to point out that Milgram is not a philosopher is a fallacy, that we learned at last seminar =) .

kommenterade 11 december 2015

I'd love to hear your definition of "relevant" in that case, as I'm not sure we're operating under quite the same one. Alternatively, you could just answer my question.

kommenterade 11 december 2015

Do we still need at least 1 point on every E-question?

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

It seens to me as if you haven't looked at the Example exam. Please do that. Niklas, from the example exam you can see what is required for pass. I also wrote that in my recent answer. (As teacher in this course, it is my duty to object when a student calls Milgram philosopher. It was not an argument.) I agree that the course covers a lot of material. The example exam gives some guidelines about what we expect you to be able to answer. Are "philosophers' dates" relevant, you ask. I think that you can answer that yourself. Of course it is relevant that Aristotle lived very long ago and that Newton came long before Turing. Should you know about the things in principle? Yes, that is the E-level knowledge. Should you know exactly what things mean? Yes, that is C-level knowledge. Should you be able to apply the course material in some other context? Yes, that is A-level performance.

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

Christoffer, as I wrote and as you can see in the Example exam, that rule doesn't apply.

kommenterade 11 december 2015

Henrik, you still haven't given a straight answer to my question. Are you or are you not expecting us to remember the name of every single person mentioned during the course and what they did? Going strictly by my own judgement I would consider historical trivia-like details like these irrelevant, as this is (supposed to be, as far as I can tell) a course in philosophy, not the history of philosophy, which I feel means we should prioritize the actual theory rather than the people behind it. In fact, I see little difference between doing rote memorization of the names of individuals and of their years of birth, yet the latter you dismiss out of hand.

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

Just the relevant things, Arvid! If you have no idea of what relevant means, you have a problem. But your homework in this course indicated no such problem. Be sure to master the really relevant matter first, then go on to the somewhat relevant matter. Read the rest out of interest, but you won't be questioned about it. (Names are not any different, some are really really relevant etc.)

kommenterade 11 december 2015

You may think it obvious who are more relevant than others among the people mentioned during the course, but to those of us without a background in philosophy all we have to go on is the contents of the course, where roughly equal time has been spent on pretty much everyone (i.e. one or two slides during the lectures). It's pretty hard to do that kind of relevance judgement based on only that.

I should probably point out that I'm not personally especially worried about the exam, I'm just arguing on principle that I think the scope of an exam should be well-defined (and also that I don't want to spend more time studying for this course than necessary, as I have three other courses that I also need to focus my efforts on).

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2015

Okay, just use your own judgment. My educated guess is that it is good enough. Good luck with all four courses!

kommenterade 12 december 2015

What I consider to be "seriously ridiculous" is that the exam doesn't have a defined format still, three days before it is given, as I wrote in my comment. When you answered Christoffer that "that rule doesn't apply", did you mean that we don't need one point in each E-question anymore? There and in a few other comments you referred to the example exam, however it doesn't seem like it is relevant anymore, since a lot has apparently changed since then.

kommenterade 12 december 2015

It seems that a lot of confusion comes from that page that has not been updated and still gives contradictory explanations with those found in the pdf that can be accessed through its parent, "Exam".

Assistent kommenterade 12 december 2015

Thank you, Thibaut, I edited that page now. Isn't it ironic that the last seminar analyzed arguments about KTH Social?

Assistent kommenterade 12 december 2015

Henrik, now I understand your confusion. Obviously you haven't seen the example exam. The link is named something like "More examples". It is in the main Exam page and also in the Example exam page.

kommenterade 12 december 2015

If i get it right now, when looking at the example PDF which was uploaded last night, the E level has increased to 70 % of all the E questions right to be able to pass from previous 50%. To change requirements at the same time as giving the information required two days before the exam is not what i would call good practice. And what if you cant have an oral exam on Friday, is it possible to do it some other day? It would have been good if all this was clear 2 weeks ago atleast =) .

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kommenterade 12 december 2015

This is veeeeeeeeeeery confusing.

In this comment thread you say there are 20 E questions and 8 C questions. On the website it says 8 E questions and in the PDF it says 10 E questions and 3 C questions.

Which one is it?

Assistent kommenterade 12 december 2015

Niklas, now I am confused. Where have you seen the 50% requirement? Since this exam has a new format, I don't see how we can have "changed requirements". About the oral exam, it is the same thing as with the written exam. There will be another chance some time in the spring term. 

Assistent kommenterade 12 december 2015

André, the old question example page said eight questions. The question format was different too.  As you can see from the pdf, this year's exam has ten questions. My earlier comment (about twenty questions) was premature. On public demand, the number was reduced. I apologize for the misinformation and I hope that the exam on Monday will be a positive experience for everybody, despite the shortcomings of your volunteer teacher assistant.

kommenterade 12 december 2015

Thanks a lot to you Henrik for answering the questions in a calm and factual manner. I (and I bet everyone else, despite not making it apparent) really appreciate it.

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November 2015
HT 2015 vettig15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 10 mars 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 30 april 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Assistent Linda Kann redigerade 7 september 2015


Assistent Linda Kann redigerade 7 september 2015

TentamenExam for grade E-C

Schemahandläggare redigerade 21 september 2015

D2, D3, E2, E3

Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 30 november 2015

D2, D3, E2, E3, V1, V2, V22, V32


September 2015
Assistent Linda Kann skrev inlägget 29 september 2015

Linda Kann taggade med lecture. 29 september 2015