För er med 9:e upplagan av Elementary Linear Algebra kommer här sammanfattningen av de ändringar som gjorts sedan dess. Det är en hel del ommöbleringar av innehållet, så att hitta motsvarande uppgifter av de rekomenderade uppgifterna har varit svårt. Däremot så verkar det inte som om den 9:e upplagan saknar något som den 10:e upplagan har, så det borde gå att hitta motsvarande del av boken. Här är ändringarna enligt 10:e upplagans Preface:
Summary of Changes in the 10:th Edition
This edition is a major revision of its predecessor. In addition to including some new material, some of the old material has been streamlined to ensure that the major topics can all be covered in a standard course. These are the most significant changes:
- Vectors in 2-space, 3-space, and n-space Chapters 3 and 4 of the previous edition have been combined into a single chapter. This has enabled us to eliminate some duplicate exposition and to juxtapose concepts in n-space with those in 2-space and 3-space, thereby conveying more clearly how n-space ideas generalize those already familiar to the student.
- New Pedagogical Elements Each section now ends with a Concept Review and a Skills mastery that provide the student a convenient reference to the main ideas in that section.
- New Exercises Many new exercises have been added, including a set of True/False exercises at the end of most sections.
- Earlier Coverage of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors The chapter on eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which was Chapter 7 in the previous edition, is Chapter 5 in this edition.
- Complex Vector Spaces The chapter entitled Complex Vector Spaces in the previous edition has been completely revised. The most important ideas are now covered in Section 5.3 and Section 7.5 in the context of matrix diagonalization. A brief review of complex numbers is included in the Appendix.
- Quadratic Forms This material has been extensively rewritten to focus more precisely on the most important ideas.
- New Chapter on Numerical Methods In the previous edition an assortment of topics appeared in the last chapter. That chapter has been replaced by a new chapter that focuses exclusively on numerical methods of linear algebra. We achieved this by moving those topics not concerned with numerical methods elsewhere in the text.
- Singular-Value Decomposition In recognition of its growing importance, a new section on Singular-Value Decomposition has been added to the chapter on numerical methods.
- Internet Search and the Power Method A new section on the Power Method and its application to Internet search engines has been added to the chapter on numerical methods.