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Course selection and application for Autumn term

You are able to select and apply to courses for Autumn term between 1-15 May via www.universityadmissions.se / www.antagning.se      

For instructions, please see attached pdf-guide. Course application via Universityadmissions.se.pdf


Please select courses for both period 1 and period 2.

You can only be admitted to a maximum of 35 credits. If you apply for more than 35 credits, the lowest ranked courses will be deleted.

Make sure any mandatory courses are placed among the highest priorities in your application.

Primarily choose and apply to courses within the study plan of your programme, otherwise you may have problems applying for a Master’s Degree in the future.

If you wish to take other courses, please discuss this with us first.

The study plans can be found here: http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurser-inom-program?l=en 

You can also find the course sequences on the Programme Web.

If you are going on exchange studies during the Autumn semester, you should not apply for any courses this way.