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TFYF Optics & photonics

On the optics & photonics track, you learn how light is generated, propagated, interacting with matter and detected in applications ranging from imaging to quantum entanglement and photonics.

Mandatory courses within the track

SK2300 Optical physics, 6.0 credits

SK2902 Light-matter interaction, 7.5 credits

Conditionally elective courses within the track

You are obliged to choose a minimum of 25 credits from a list of conditionally elective courses for the Optics & photonics track. This list can differ depending on your year of admission to the programme, but you can always find the relevant list at


Double master degree

KTH has signed an agreement for a double master degree programme in optics & photonics with Zheijang University in China. Students will spend one academic year at KTH and then make a research project of 1,5 year at Zheijang University allowing them to obtain both a masters degree from KTH and a masters degree from Zhejiang University at the same time. More information is available from your track guide.