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More studies from home

Mer hemmaplugg Så ser de kommande veckorna ut för KTH:s studenter, efter FHM:s senaste rekommendationer. Men hur blir det med vårens undervisning och examinationer?  Nu har vi genomfört en stor del av höstterminen och examinationen i period ett är precis avslutad, vilket haft sina utmaningar på grund av den pågående pandemin. Själv har jag för … Continue reading “More studies from home”

Teachers, time to collaborate

In English further down Lärare, dags att samverka Nu är höstterminen igång och vi har klarat av första periodens inledande vecka. Vad gäller grundutbildningen sker det både mycket på grund av den pågående pandemin (se men det sker också mycket spännande och intressant strategisk utveckling, både för skolans utbildningar och program. En helt ny … Continue reading “Teachers, time to collaborate”

Ongoing digital working life and current educational events

What happened during the Storträff? What can be said about future learning spaces? And how do we increase quality in education? Anna Jerbrant, Deputy Head of School, focus on future oriented activities and shares some of those with us. For eight weeks now, we have all executed our work-tasks from home and mainly interacted with … Continue reading “Ongoing digital working life and current educational events”

Overnight transformation to online education

I hope you are all healthy and still feel connected to KTH in these strange times when we’re all forced to work so much remotely from home. Since KTH of course gives priority to ensure that our students can complete their education (at the same time as we all work to reduce the spread of … Continue reading “Overnight transformation to online education”

New course plans, new guidelines and a new role

New year, new semester and time for me as dean of education to write my first blog of the decade. As usual we have several important ongoing educational issues to communicate: Now we have finished the first semester with the new course plans since the changes of ILOs and examination due to the implementation of … Continue reading “New course plans, new guidelines and a new role”