There is for obvious reasons a lot of focus on sustainability. Within the Postgraduate education committee (Forskarutbildningsutskottet), consisting of the professors responsible for our six doctoral programmes and myself, an idea has emerged: to develop a course in sustainability for doctoral students. The intention is to do the course as collaborative effort between all our … Continue reading “An ITM sustainability course for PhD students”
Last Wednesday and Thursday (on April 10-11) we had the annual ITM PhD student conference at Skogshem and Wijk on Lindingö. The theme this year was equality (JML) and sustainability. Alice Marshall gave an introduction to “one KTH” followed by several group exercises/discussions. In one of them we were all supposed to stand in different … Continue reading “ITM PhD Student Conference”
A Wednesday and Thursday in April we had the annual ITM PhD student conference at Skogshem and Wijk on Lindingö. The theme this year was Research skills from different perspectives. Linda Söderlindh gave a very inspiring combined lecture/workshop on Presentation skills (see picture). Greta Quesada Richardson & Margareta Fathli informed us about Open Access publishing. In the … Continue reading “ITM PhD student conference”
The invitation and agenda for the annual ITM PhD student conference has just been sent out to all PhD students. The topic of this year’s conference is Research skills from different perspectives and includes a lecture/workshop on Presentation skills by Linda Söderlindh. We will also hear about Open Access publishing, get information from THS, and … Continue reading “ITM PhD student conference”
Many supervisors find it hard to know how to admit PhD student and especially if the student comes from a country outside Europe. It can be difficult to find ones way through the governing documents of KTH and the school. It may also be difficult to know how to best advise the student regarding residence … Continue reading “To admit doctoral students”