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Hives creating a buzz on campus

KTH seeks names for its queen bees


Published May 24, 2016

The latest employees at KTH have been busy from sunrise to sunset — literally buzzing with activity seven days a week. Their project? To produce some 10 kilos of honey by midsummer.

The two bee colonies need names for their queens. You can submit your own proposals online. (Photo: David Callahan)

Two newly-installed beehives behind the KTH administration building at Brinellvägen 8 will eventually be home to 100,000 honeybees. And the university is taking a  write-in poll to find names for the two hives' queens .

The introduction of a KTH honeybee colony is the initiative of the KTH Sustainability Office. The aim is to strengthen the ecological values ​​of the campus. The group also hopes that the presence of the bees can inspire and increase the commitment to sustainable development.

"When you consider what a bee hive contributes, it widens the perspective. Bees are a great starting point for discussing the major issues about ecology," says Lina Häckner, environmental coordinator for the Sustainability Office.

Beekeeper Kjell Andersson, speaking at the official inauguration of the hives recently, says that the pollination that bees contribute is an important cog in the ecosystem. "It is said that 70 percent of everything we eat is dependent on pollination," Andersson says.

The midsummer honey will be a foretaste of what is to come. The hope is a seasonal harvest up to 100 kilos. Weather and the availability of nectar are crucial, as well as the how willing the bees are to work," adds Andersson, who takes care of the hives and monitors production.

"The conditions look good here, so I believe we'll have an abundant harvest," he says.

The idea is that the honey will primarily be used by KTH's staff.

Christer Gummeson

Name KTH's two new queen bees.  Click here to enter your suggestions  by May 26. Voting will take place from May 27 to June 10.