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2018-09-03: A Constraint Programming approach to deliver a Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attack of AES

Laurent Michel, Professor at the University of Connecticut (UConn), will give a seminar at 10:00 of the 3rd of September in room Ada, Floor 4 in Electrum, Kista. The title of the seminar is "A Constraint Programming approach to deliver a Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attack of AES". Welcome!


Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attack (TASCA) is a combination of algebraic and side-channel analysis with error tolerance. Oren et al., used mathematical programming to implement TASCA on a limited version of AES. This talk will outline how one can adopt Constraint Programming to deliver an implementation of TASCA over the full AES with orders of magnitude improvements in solving time and memory usage over the mathematical programming approaches. The talk will provide the necessary background and focus on what makes CP such an ideal vehicle for this task. Empirical results will shed light on the performance to be expected and the full potential of CP for cryptanalysis in general.

About Laurent Michel

Laurent Michel received a B.S. and an Sc.M. in Computer Science from “Les Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix” (‘93) in Namur, Belgium. He later received an Sc.M. (‘96) and Ph.D. (‘99) degrees in Computer Science from Brown University.

After spending one year in industry and 2 years at Brown University as Visiting Assistant Professor, he joined the department in 2002 as Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and is now a Professor since 2017. His research interests focus on the design and implementation of domain specific languages for combinatorial optimization. In addition, he is Associate Department Head for CSE and is co-Director of CSI and C3, two Cybersecurity focused Centers.

Belongs to: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Last changed: Oct 23, 2019
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