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SYSID 2018

The 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2018, took place in Stockholm, Sweden, July 9-11, 2018.

Stockholm during the summer.


  • IFAC Technical Committee on Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • KTH ACCESS Linneaus Center
  • Stockholms stad
  • ABB


  • IFAC TC on Adaptive and Learning Systems
  • IFAC TC on Discrete Events and Hybrid Systems
  • IFAC TC on Stochastic Systems
  • IEEE Control Systems Society


The scope of the symposium covers all major aspects of system identification, experimental modelling, signal processing and adaptive control, ranging from theoretical, methodological and scientific developments to a large variety of application areas.

To enhance the applications and industrial perspective of the symposium, participation by authors from industry is particularly encouraged.

It is the intention of the organizers to promote SYSID 2018 as a meeting place where scientists and engineers from several research communities can meet to discuss issues related to these areas. Relevant topics for the symposium program include:

  • ldentifiability
  • Identification of linear, nonlinear, time~varying, multivariable, hybrid and distributed systems
  • Black-box modeling (neural networks, support vector machines, Kriging ... )
  • Linear and nonlinear time series analysis
  • Estimation from spatio-temporal data
  • State estimation and parameter tracking
  • Robustness issues in identification
  • Sequential Monte Carlo methods, including particle filtering
  • Learning, data mining and Bayesian approaches
  • Parameter estimation and inverse problems
  • Modeling and identification of quantized systems
  • Identification of control, adaptive control and data-based controller tuning
  • Statistical analysis and uncertainty characterization
  • Experiment design
  • Model validation
  • Sparse estimation and other types of regularization
  • Identification and estimation in data rich (big data) and networked environments
  • Monitoring and fault detection
  • Applications (including but not limited to transportation, telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, process control, motion control, robotics, econometrics, modal analysis, bioengineering and medical systems, ecosystems, energy and information networks)
  • Teaching identification.


The scientific program will consist of:

  • plenary lectures by invited speakers
  • regular sessions 
  • invited sessions
  • software sessions