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Call for papers

It is the intention of the organizers to promote SYSID 2018 as a meeting place where scientists and engineers from several research communities can meet to discuss issues related to the scope  of the symposium.

The scientific program will consist of plenary lectures, regular sessions, invited sessions and software sessions. Prospective authors and organizers of invited sessions are invited to submit contributions.

Regular papers

Regular papers must present original, unpublished work which falls into the scope of the symposium and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All regular papers will be subject to review and assessment by the International Programme Committee, who will select a proportion of submissions for inclusion in the conference program.

Manuscripts are limited to six double-column pages.

Invited sessions

The International Programme Committee encourages the submission of invited sessions with sets of six invited papers on a well-defined subject of current interest. These papers must present original, unpublished work and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

An invited session should present a cohesive and comprehensive focus on a topic relevant to the scope of the symposium. It may start with a tutorial presentation which can be alotted a double time slot. In this case five papers are sufficient to compose a session.

Separate to this, the authors of invited papers must also submit their papers via the instructions provided.

An invited session will be accepted only if the session itself and its contributed papers are accepted. Accepted papers of a non-accepted invited session will be included in regular sessions.

All invited sessions and their papers will be subject to review and assessment by the International Programme Committee, who will select a proportion of submissions for inclusion in the conference program.

How to submit an invited session proposal

Organizers of invited sessions should perform the following steps:

  1. Contact potential authors to obtain a list of authors, paper titles and extended paper abstracts;
  2. Write a four page session proposal. This should describe the theme and content, demonstrate its coherence, and argue its significance and relevance. The proposed session should profile 6 specified papers (or 5 when the first paper is a tutorial). At a minimum, the proposal should contain the following information: 
    • The title of the session
    • The name and full contact details of the session organizer
    • A description of the session theme and an argument supporting its significance
    • A list of the proposed session contributions, including titles, authors, and corresponding author of each paper
    • A brief synopsis of the contribution of each paper
  3. Generate a PDF.
  4. Submit your proposal through the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript Management System   As part of this process, you will be provided with an invited session code.
  5. Pass the invited session code to the corresponding author of each paper in the session. Authors will need to specify this number when submitting their papers according to the instructions provided.

Invited papers

Invited papers are solicited by an organizer of an invited session. You need to have an invited session code from the session organiser (the person who invited you to write the paper) to submit a paper in this category.

Invited papers must present original, unpublished work which falls into the scope of the symposium and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All invited papers will be subject to review and assessment by the International Programme Committee, who will select a proportion of submissions for inclusion in the conference program.

Manuscripts are limited to six double-column pages.

Software session papers

Software session papers are papers presenting the latest developments in software for system identification and related topics in control but also interactive learning tools for system identification. This includes, but is not limited to, new software toolboxes, or recent developments of existing program packages. The presented software should be complete in the sense that it can be made available to the public under certain conditions.

Software session papers must present original, unpublished work which falls into the scope of the symposium and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All software session papers will be subject to review and assessment by the International Programme Committee, who will select a proportion of submissions for inclusion in the conference program.

Manuscripts are limited to six double-column pages. These may also be extended abstracts rather than full papers, but must be at least 2000 words, and convey sufficient details as to allow an informed peer review. Extended abstracts will appear in the USB-key containing the pre-prints, but will not be included in the conference proceedings. See Copyright conditions below for further information on the proceedings.

Software session papers will be presented at software sessions which are poster sessions where participants are expected to bring their own laptops for demonstrations.


All papers accepted for publication will be distributed to the participants on a USB-key together with a printed book of abstracts including the final programme.

Copyright conditions

All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage , and the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines .

Accepted papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be published in the proceedings of the event using the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect . To this end, the author(s) must confer the copyright to IFAC when they submit the final version of the paper through the paper submission process. The author(s) retain the right to use a copy of the paper for personal use, internal institutional use at the author(s)' institution, or scholarly posting at an open web site operated by the author(s) or their institution, limited to noncommercial use. Any other use of the paper requires approval by IFAC.