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“They say I talk before I think”

On July 1, Martin Edin Grimheden takes over as Head of the Department of Machine Design.
Published Jun 12, 2019

On July 1, in the middle of the summer, Martin Edin Grimheden takes over as Head of the Department of Machine Design after Sofia Ritzén. We met with Martin to ask about his newest challenge.

How does this appointment feel?

It feels great, it is always thrilling with new challenges.

What is your KTH background?

I have been at KTH for a long time. I started studying Machine design in 1991 and have been here ever since. I’ve had one long break doing a postdoctoral period at Stanford and then I left KTH for going by motorbike through South America. I’ve had many different roles at KTH, taught a lot at project courses in Mechatronics for example. For the last seven years, I have been program director for the master of Science in Machine design. I have led a national research school in product innovation. I have initiated mechatronics education in Egypt and Uzbekistan.

Describe yourself?

One of my colleagues, who’s been at KTH longer than I and have been a Head of school for a number of years, says I talk before I think. That might be a positive thing, since you’ll find out how I think.

What will be the biggest difference with you as Head of department?

I hope that there won’t be such a big difference, it’s been rather smooth at Machine Design during all years with very committed Heads of departments. So it’s well prepared for me.

What is the first thing you’ll do?

Have vacation. Then we’ll dig into our common challenges, for example those concerning education, discussions about collaborations within specializations and courses, about how to use our own educational premises, about the department's role in the education programs we provide courses for. All this in relation to the ongoing changes in our environment: digitalisation, the Innovation arena, gender equality, etc.

Are you going to celebrate (ie the prefecture)?

The unit usually celebrates when we have done something particularly good – received large research grants or successful publications for example. We will celebrate that we’ve had a very good management so far.

Text: Anna Gullers

Page responsible:Infomaster at ITM
Belongs to: Engineering Design
Last changed: Jun 12, 2019