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Half time for protein atlas

Published Nov 22, 2010

Researchers at KTH and Uppsala University have now surveyed half of the proteins in the human body. This means a database of 10 000 individual items. By 2015, the researchers calculate that they will be finished with the entire protein atlas.

Mathias Uhlén
Mathias Uhlén, Professor of Microbiology at KTH.

“It is of significant importance for the protein atlas that we have come as far as halfway with the survey. It is an important step towards the goal of a complete database of all the human body’s proteins, which we expect will happen in 2015,” says Mathias Uhlén, Professor of Microbiology at KTH.

He is one of the people behind the protein atlas project and he goes on to say that it is thanks to the survey that researchers can take full advantage of The Human Genome Project, a major international project that aims to map out the entire human genome.

Researchers from around the world are already using the protein atlas to acquire more knowledge about the role of proteins when it comes to various diseases. The protein atlas, when completed, will provide a solid foundation in the fight against cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system.

Proteins are an important element in human cells and they are involved in virtually all body functions in both healthy and sick people. If they are deformed, or their function is rendered useless, these critical building blocks do not have the ability to pursue their important roll, which leads to disease.

There are over 20 000 proteins in the human body and a clear majority of these have never been identified or analyzed: 98 percent of all medications are directed at 3 percent of human proteins.

The Protein Atlas project, which began in 2003, is a collaboration between KTH and Uppsala University in which the latter institution is responsible for the project’s biological aspects.

For more information, contact Mathew Uhlén’s assistant Inger Åhlén on 08 - 55 37 84 03 / or Anneli Waara at 018-471 19 74 / anneli.waara @

Peter Larsson