Doctoral program in Applied and Computational Mathematics
The program in Applied and Computational Mathematics provides a broad scope within the program and links well to Stockholm's Mathematics Center (SMC), which is a collaboration between the Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.

General subject study plans and program description
Programme description: Doctoral Programme in Applied and Computational Mathematics (pdf 170 kB)
Research areas
The doctoral program has three main areas that correspond to three business bases at KTH:
• Mathematical statistics
• Numerical analysis
• Optimization theory and system theory
Graduate courses are given within the three main areas. A selection of four courses on probability theory, numerical methods for partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra and convexity in linear spaces form a set of core courses that are given regularly and are suitable for all PhD students in applied mathematics and computational mathematics.
These courses are the core courses that form a common basis for the program and are usually read by all PhD students in the program. Other profiling courses listed are a selection of courses offered in the main areas. Depending on the focus of the dissertation work, it is often relevant to read courses from other subjects, such as method and application courses that are naturally included in the individual study profile. Some examples may include courses in signal theory, robotics, medical technology. The student can also include courses with a focus on university education. Such courses, however, are a requirement for education in undergraduate education during the education period.
The doctoral student shall, during his or her education, participate in and contribute to the scientific activity pursued in his or her direction by submitting seminars and usually conducting a seminar per year on his dissertation work. More information about the courses can be found in the general subject study plan.
Doctoral programmes and third-cycle subjects - KOPPS
The objectives of the Doctoral Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics follow the common objectives of postgraduate education according to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100).
These goals are divided into three categories:
- Knowledge and understanding
- Skills and abilities
- Ability to make judgments and adopt a standpoint.
A concrete description of how these goals can be met within the framework of the doctoral program are described in the general subject study plan.
Previous knowledge
Basic eligibility complies with the general stated in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). As a special qualification for admission to postgraduate education in the subject of applied mathematics, the applicant's education at advanced level has an emphasis on mathematics, applied mathematics or computational mathematics in the broadest sense. In addition, good knowledge of English is required, both in speech and in writing.
The application process
In order to apply for a doctoral program, there must be an available doctoral appointment. On KTH's central website, a list of all KTH's vacancies, including doctoral posts, is published.
More information about Doctoral Studies at KTH
For general questions regarding doctoral studies at KTH, please contact