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The department is responsible for the following education programmes and specialisations:

The department is involved in four different master's programmes

Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure (TMHIM)  - collaboration between our Division of Urban and Regional Studies and the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED).

Sustainable Urban Planning and Design (THSSM)  - collaboration between our Division of Urban and Regional Studies, the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED) and KTH Architecture.

Transport and Geoinformatics (TTGTM)  - collaboration between our Division of Geoinformatics, our Division of Transport and Systems Analysis, and the Department of Real Estate and Construction and Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering.

Transport, mobility and innovation (Joint EIT Urban Mobility)  collaboration between our Division of Transport and Systems Analysis, and the KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management as well as Aalto University, Technological University of Eindhoven and UPC Barcelona Tech.

The department is also involved in specialisations for two Master of Science in Engineering education programmes:

The department participates in the following Doctoral programs

Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Subject:  Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Specialisations: Geodesy; Geoinformatics

Transport Science
Subject: Transport Science
Specialisation: Transport Systems; Transport Infrastructure

Planning and Decision Analysis
Subject: Planning and Decision Analysis
Specialisations: Urban and Regional Studies; Strategies for sustainable development; Risk and Safety

Contract education / Life-long learning

Contract education is competence development for life-long learning.

AG227U Advanced course in process management/Commissioned course/ 15.0 credits

Please note: Contract education can be ordered / purchased by companies and organisations, not by private individuals.