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Yang is from Anhui, China. She finished almost all her previous education in China so it was a brand new and exciting experience for her to study further in Sweden.

Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

The programme of Architecture at KTH places a strong emphasis on social sustainability. The education includes theoretical knowledge, relevant design methods and also practices. For today's young architects, it is undoubtedly essential to have both the knowledge and various tools to promote sustainable design to fit the moving society. In addition, the programme at KTH encourages students to believe in the power of architecture in the progress of human society, and to care about the environment, history and people's social life. This belief also attracted me a lot, and made me finally choose KTH.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

What I like most is the study environment in the school building. There is sufficient space for students to work and to discuss with each other. Everyone could have their own seat and locker. Seminar rooms can be used at any time without reservation. Moreover, there are very complete and high-quality facilities and devices available to all students, for example the CAD Lab, 3D printer, laser cut, wood workshop, and it is even completely free to use them! We only need to pay for the materials.

What are some of your favorite courses so far?

There are three courses in one semester, of which my favorite is the studio Fundamentals. Our research content in this studio is very inclusive and teachers promote diverse architectural design. During this one year we have completed a total of four projects. One I like most is the art gallery for the famous Swedish artist and abstract pioneer Hilma af Klint. The site is located in Munsö, Ekerö, the outskirts of Stockholm. Through this project I learned a lot about Stockholm's climate and natural environment as well as the history of modern art and the development of feminism in Nordic countries.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

First of all, the study at KTH is very independent. Except for some lectures, there are only two 15-minute tutorials per week in a studio for students to discuss their progress with teachers. The rest of the time is all for self-work. Secondly, the architecture education at KTH is highly inclusive, which means student works normally will not be judged with a single value. Innovative explorations and attempts are strongly encouraged. Thirdly, the study pressure is not massive at all. Unlike when I was an undergraduate student who had to study until midnight every day, here It is enough to work till five or six o’clock to finish all assignments.

How is student life in Stockholm?

For me I feel quite satisfied with my life here. I have to admit that the living expenses in Stockholm are much higher compared with my hometown in China. However, there are various discounts for students on for example public transportation, museums, and groceries. Besides, KTH and the student union THS regularly hold student events, and there are big parties providing free drinks on Christmas, Halloween, and St. Patrick's Day. And in my free time I like to take walks and ‘fika’ with my friends. Stockholm is a city of outstanding scenic beauty. I love to walk around those beautiful parks and green lands to enjoy nature in Sweden.