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"I think there are job prospects in IoT and 5G"

Niveditha Anusuya Thiruchelvan joined KTH in 2015 and graduated two years later. She is currently designing radio frequency filters at Ericsson.

Niveditha Anusuya Thiruchelvan

Niveditha Anusuya Thiruchelvan

Programme and years at KTH: Electrophysics, 2015 – 2017
Current position and company: RF Filter Designer at Ericsson in Sweden (Stockholm)

This programme in Electromagnetic, Fusion and Space Engineering was earlier named Electrophysics.

How did you secure your first position?

I applied through the job portal on Ericsson's webpage. I guess it takes a little bit of luck for you to be chosen from the pile of applications. But once your CV is chosen, you really have to put in a great amount of work to acquire the position. I had four interviews and one aptitude examination to attend in the whole selection process. I would say apply to as many positions you are interested in and make your cover letter as appealing as possible.

What happens during an ordinary day?

My job description is to design radio frequency (RF) filters. My task is to take various inputs such as design (frequency, attenuation, insertion loss) and mechanical requirements (space availability, cost) from project manager. I first make 2D design layout for a low pass or a cavity filter. Then, I use CAD to design the required filter and simulate it using HFSS and MATLAB. Finally, I optimize my design to fit all the requirements that has to be met.

What are the career prospects within your field?

Electromganetic, fusion and space engineering is a very diverse programme. For someone who has chosen Electromagnetics track as I had, I think there are various job prospects in this field especially with IoT and 5G coming up. For instance, Ericsson hired a lot of new graduates this year for 5G Product development. There is another Electrophysics student from KTH, who is working in the same field as I am. My dream job is to contribute to research and product development within RF and Microwave Systems.

Would you recommend KTH to others as a place to study?

Yes, I would definitely recommend KTH. I really liked the education system and course work for Electrophysics. I also chose project in my coursework where I got a chance to work on KTH's student satellite, MIST. I was very excited to work on this project since what I had worked on will someday be launched into the space. Additionally, I worked for a start up which was part of KTH Innovation. All in all, KTH helped me enhance my professional skills and gave me a platform to build my career.