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Carlos enjoys being able to choose courses related to his interests

Carlos comes from Mexico/Spain where he studied at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM-CU). He enjoys meeting people from other countries while at KTH. He studied at KTH between 2016 and 2018.

What made you choose KTH and Sweden?

I choose to study in Sweden for several reasons. KTH is one of the oldest universities in Sweden and Europe. At KTH, there are no tuition fees for European students, and the reputation of KTH was very important to get a scholarship from the Mexican government.

However, the main reason I choose to study at KTH is that the master's programme in Chemical Engineering for Energy and Environment has an approach to energy and sustainability.

What are the best aspects of your master's programme?

The best thing about my programme is that you can choose which courses you want to take. This is very important to me because I can choose courses related to my interests.

What would you like to do after getting your degree?

I would like to work as an energy consultant. I would like to work either in the national electrical company in Mexico or in a consultancy firm.

What do you like most about KTH?

What I like most about KTH is the relation between the university and industry. In my brief time at KTH, I have had the opportunity to meet representatives of many different companies. I also like that KTH encourages you to meet future employers through small events where you can learn more about future career opportunities.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Sweden is a fantastic country to start your life as a student. The public transport works very well, and everyone in Stockholm speaks English. I moved from Mexico to Sweden, and I didn't have any problems with my relocation.

The people in Stockholm are very polite and educated. If you have doubts about anything, you can email the person responsible, and you will get a quick response.

What do you like most about being here?

What I like most is that you can meet people from all around the world. I assist with the English language café at KTH. Not only can I improve my English with native speakers, but also I have the opportunity to meet people with different backgrounds than myself. In my programme, there are many international students. This is great because you can meet people whose culture is different from yours.

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

My best memory at KTH so far is the study visit to Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery in Finspång. The factory is located in a castle, and it is one of the most important turbine factories in the world. The visit was great, and I learned a lot.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

At KTH, the semester is divided into two periods. In my home university the semester last 18 weeks (16 weeks of lectures and two weeks of final exams). This can be hard at the beginning, but you get used to.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master's studies?

Studying at KTH is a great opportunity. Either as a European student because you don't have to pay fees to study in one of the best universities in the world or as an international student because you can apply for scholarships from the Swedish Institute, KTH scholarships or national scholarships. I do not hesitate in recommending you to apply to KTH. Don't be afraid of applying to one of the best universities in the world!