You will gain a lot of skills and encounter many different cultures, which will enrich your vision
Can comes from Turkey. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bogazici University. He is a board game enthusiast and he likes hiking, yoga, sci-fi books and films.

Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?
In my master’s training, I wanted to specialise in Nuclear waste management. Sweden is one of the leading countries in Europe in Nuclear waste management and I wanted to learn the full story behind nuclear engineering, i.e. the theoretical background behind nuclear reactors, how we ensure our safety, and the future of nuclear engineering. KTH’s programme includes these aspects and KTH is also recognised globally.
What are the best aspects of your programme?
Firstly, nuclear technology is a highly debated field. Everyone has an opinion about nuclear technology. Our professors are aware of this and provide us with the fundamental resources. We have flipped classes and projects in which we apply our theoretical knowledge to real situations. Also, we have debates that focus on how to present our ideas and develop our powers of persuasion.
What are your favourite courses thus far?
It’s very hard to say because each course has given me valuable information about the nuclear energy industry. However, I can that say that the Reactor Physics course has taught me the core concepts and allowed me to participate in real reactor experiments in Prague. This course is the fundamental course for more advanced courses in our programme.
How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?
KTH’s system is more suitable for group work. The university at which I took my bachelor’s degree has a grading system based on a curve, so it increases competitiveness. Also, when I am stuck in a situation I can always ask for support from my colleagues and professors.
How is student life in Stockholm?
Sweden is an individualistic country. This means that culture shock is an inevitable process for many students. However, our adaptation issues are understood – and we can always ask for support. For me, individualism gives me the chance to discover dormant parts of my personality and how to set physical and mental boundaries between myself and others and strengthen my sense of responsibility.
How would you describe your time at KTH so far?
The first half of the year for me has been an adaptation process. Unfortunately, the coronavirus situation has created an asocial environment. However, mutual kindness and mutual respect have created a peaceful study atmosphere and we have been pretty lucky to be students here.
What do you want to do after graduating?
I will pursue a PhD. However, I need to polish and sharpen my skills a lot.
What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for their master’s studies?
To quote Star Trek: “The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity, and the ways our differences combine to create meaning and beauty.” Thus, students will be the source of diversity and diversity is the most valuable aspect of KTH. On a realistic note, you will face many challenges and you won’t always be able to get what you want or control everything. But ultimately, you will gain a lot of skills and encounter many different cultures, which will enrich your vision. So, the life experience you will gain here is priceless.