Amanda was born in a small city called Salamanca, where there is the oldest university in Spain. She got her bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid. During her fourth year, she participated in an exchange programme in Northern Arizona University. Music and sports are two of her favourite hobbies.

What made you choose KTH?
When I started looking for my master’s programme, I asked myself many questions like ”which university could bring me a brighter future”, ”which universities have better reputations”, and ”which renowned university was closer to my interests”. I ended up with KTH on the top of my list, and here we are. Some people thought I was a bit crazy moving to a colder country, but I think it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Swedish industry has a great impact everywhere, and it is constantly growing, which is an advantage for engineers and people involved in technology. In addition, Swedish culture, traditions, and food never stop surprising me.
What do you like most about KTH?
When I arrived at KTH main campus, I fell in love with the environment. I knew I had chosen correctly at the beginning of the programme because the courses were well structured and in contact with companies at the same time. The knowledge gained is practical, and professors translate our student needs into solutions. Companies are involved in the student life and participate actively in seminars during class or lunch lectures, and these are quite interesting and they are scheduled to not disrupt your classes. Also, at KTH I have grown as person – the multicultural environment is incredible, and you can learn from everyone. Now I can say I have friends from almost all the countries of the world, which would have been unbelievable when I was a kid in my loved Salamanca.
What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?
Stockholm has become one of my favourite cities in the world – it hugs everyone and I feel home being far. There are many activities and cultural offerings, so the city never stops. Sweden has many things to offer, and I am really happy about being here. My expectations were high, and they have been exceeded! Of course I cannot forget to mention how amazing the Swedish cinnamon rolls are…
What is your best memory from your time at KTH so far?
My best memory was when I returned last year after Christmas. I came running to a classroom in M-building – also known as the M cave – where my friends were working on an assignment that we needed to get finished and we kept talking for hours, hours, hours, and hours. The assignment was sent almost after the deadline, and we left the university quite late. I realised I really missed them, and It was the first moment I called this place ”home”.
Are there any differences between studying at KTH and your home university?
I would say there are two main things that are different between KTH and my home university – the learning approach and the international environment. I feel at KTH that most of the courses involve group projects, which is quite practical because it is oriented to our professional future. Also, there are many elective courses you can choose from depending on your interests.
What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?
To people thinking about applying to KTH, I would say it is one the best decisions they can make. KTH is an institution focused on higher education and results, and professors care about students and everyone’s opinion matters. Companies are in contact with the university and attend career fairs and events. Also, KTH helps you with everything at the beginning, and the tools provided by KTH are useful and important to know!
What do you see as the most significant aspects of your programme?
I think the most significant aspects of my programme are the remarkable courses that it offers and the laboratory sessions where all the knowledge is put into practice. I like that there are elective courses also, to get deeper knowledge in other courses of interest.
Are you taking part in any student activities?
My friends and I regularly attend activities organised by the chapter, and it is a great time to be in contact with people with your same interests. The atmosphere in class is quite friendly, so we organise dinners and cultural celebrations to get together.
Do you have a dream job after graduating from KTH?
After graduating, I would like to stay in Sweden and work for a big company to pursue an ambitious future. We live in a globalised world, and it is important to feel that we are part of it, and we can change things!