"KTH has strong connections to industry allowing students to get first-hand experience of real-world challenges"
Sólrún comes from Iceland. She received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Iceland and now studying master's programme in Production Engineering and Management at KTH. She has been a part of the Icelandic Search and Rescue team for the past 5 years where she is able to channel her passion for hiking and other outdoor activities in a fun, challenging, and meaningful way.

What made you choose KTH?
KTH has a well-earned reputation of excellence. It is a top tier technical university that offers outstanding education in an international environment. In my opinion, Stockholm is the perfect location because it is a key centre when it comes to innovation and entrepreneurship.
What do you like most about KTH?
KTH has strong connections to industry allowing students to get first-hand experience of real-world challenges. Each week on campus is packed with different kinds of activities such as lunch seminars, fairs, etc., where everybody can find something they are interested in.
What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?
I simply love living in Sweden! Stockholm has everything a big European city has to offer, and yet it is free from stress and full of beautiful nature spots. The transportation system makes it easy to commute and explore the city and its surroundings year-round.
What is your best memory from your time at KTH so far?
It is very difficult to choose only one memory since the past year has been full of adventures. I have met so many amazing people from all over the world and created memories that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Are there any differences between studying at KTH and your home university?
In KTH I have a better opportunity to tailor my coursework towards my interests due to the very broad course options that KTH offers. The facilities in general are top notch allowing for a more hands on study approach.
What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?
I could not be happier with my selection and I can definitely recommend KTH to anybody looking for a top tier university in a new and exciting environment. I hope to see you here!
What do you see as the most significant aspects of your programme?
I chose this programme due to its mix of practical engineering and management. I believe that this mix will serve me very well as I move on towards a professional career.
Are you taking part in any student activities?
The international students in my class are a very tight group, and we regularly get together for different occasions such as traveling inside and outside of Sweden. I’ve also been lucky enough to get to work as a Teaching Assistant in courses that I find interesting.
Do you have a dream job after graduating from KTH?
I do not have an exact dream job at the moment, but ideally I would want to get the chance to work with a diverse group of people in an innovative environment where I would get to see ideas become reality.