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Iðunn has one thing to say to future students: enjoy it while it lasts!

Iðunn Arnardóttir is a student of the Master's programme in Production Engineering and Management. Originally from Iceland and the town of Hafnarfjörður, she ended up at KTH because of its location in Stockholm. It was the city itself that made her consider KTH as a study abroad option.

What made you decide to start studying at KTH?
It was initially the city itself who made me consider KTH. So when I found a programme that suited me it didn't take me long to decide what I wanted to do.

How did you decide which programme to choose?
I studied industrial engineering in Iceland, and as much as I like the managing part of engineering I think it is really important to understand the basic functions within the field of production. In this programme I get the best of both worlds.

What do you see as the greatest aspects of your programme?
How diverse it is.That's the greatest aspect of it. 

How do studies here at KTH differ in comparison to your previous experience?
My previous studies were pretty hectic. Here at KTH most courses have been very well organized. And the workload is reasonable.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?
I'd been here a couple of times before I moved here, and I absolutely love this city. The city is clean, the buildings are beautiful, and parks or green areas everywhere you go. You can always find something fun to do, but also it is easy to find a place to relax completely.

Is there something about life in Stockholm and Sweden that has surprised you?
How easily I adapted to not having access to a car. I really like the public transportation system here.

Do you have a place in the city that you enjoy spending time at?
I really like to hang out in Södermalm, shop a little, relax at a coffee house and just enjoy the people and culture there. I also really like to hike around Brunnsviken.

Could you describe a regular day as a student at KTH?
During the day I'm usually in school, either in courses or working on projects. In the afternoon I try to exercise and go grocery shopping and stuff like that. I usually don't study during the evenings; I'd rather just relax or meet some friends.

Are you taking part in any student activities?
I am a member of the THS, which is the Student Union at KTH. I go to some of their activities. And my classmates and I are pretty active in doing something fun together outside of school as well.

What do you want to do after you have received your degree here at KTH?
First of all I want to travel a little bit. Then I want to try to get a job here in Sweden, and hopefully in Stockholm.

Is there any advice you would like to give others that will live in Stockholm and study at KTH in the future?
Enjoy it while it lasts!

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Master's programme in Production Engineering and Management