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Liene chose KTH to develope her Geographic Information System (GIS) skills

Liene comes from Daugavpils in Latvia where she studied at Riga Technical University. She studied the Master's programme in Transport and Geoinformation Technology at KTH between 2014 and 2016.

Liene Some

Why did you apply to KTH?

My background education is in geoinformation, so I was looking for a university that could develop my Geographic Information System (GIS) skills with the possibility of taking courses in other civil engineering fields. When I found out that, KTH offers a programme including both geoinformation and transport, I immediately thought about urban projects where the combination of the two sciences can be successfully implemented. Moreover, the programme description was very convincing: students are not limited to choose only courses from the particular emphasis on transport or geoinformation, but the programme is designed to fit many interest fields.

What is your best tip for a new master's student?

Be open to new challenges and different people. Broaden your horizons not only in your field of studies but also try to learn something completely different. Then you will meet diverse mindsets that will help you develop. Be physically active outside the university because, as you know, a healthy mind needs a healthy body. At last, even though everyone speaks English, learn Swedish! It will help you to integrate better, and Swedes will appreciate it.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

I enjoy both Stockholm and Sweden. Stockholm is a beautiful and compact capital city that offers everything students and employees need. I appreciate the feeling of safety and picturesque landscapes throughout the city.

Is there something about life in Stockholm and Sweden that has surprised you?

Yes, there were many things, but I got used to many of them in the first semester. The most surprising was and still is the informal environment in the university and also in offices. Professors can wear sneakers, and students often suggest to professors what to include in the lectures.

Do you have a place in the city that you enjoy spending time at?

I enjoy all the parks in Stockholm. You can often see nature that is undisturbed. In the summer it is possible to pick blueberries and in the autumn mushrooms. Sometimes I feel I don't live in the biggest city in the north but in a national reserve. Sweden is a perfect country for nature lovers.

Are you taking part in any student activities, if so please tell us a bit about them?

I was an active board member of the local BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) group. There I developed my PR (public relations) skills. BEST promotes an international mindset in KTH students, by organising many international events and engineering competitions for the local students and once a year, a course on technology for students from other universities. It is a great way to promote KTH and meet other European students. I also participated in the KTH project "Call-up week", when we congratulated the newly admitted students and answered their questions. Directly after this project, I realised I want to continue to help incoming students and applied for the ambassador position.

What do you do in your spare time?

I practice Latvian folk dances and go running in the nearby forest. For a while, the rest of my spare time will be occupied by Swedish courses I take three times a week. Apart from that, I always try to find some beautiful old movie that could inspire me.

What do you want to do after you have received your degree here at KTH?

I know I want to work in a consulting company in Stockholm. Fingers crossed.

Is there any advice you would like to give others that will live in Stockholm and study at KTH in the future?

Be a good planner, when you come here you will need to know what you are going to do at least one month ahead.