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Sustainable Futures Lab

Sustainable Futures Lab (SF Lab) team's research interests are located in the intersection between on the one hand media technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT) and on the other hand issues relating to sustainability and sustainable development.

Our interests span sustainability in ICT (decreasing the environmental footprint of ICT technologies in themselves), sustainability by ICT (using ICT to decrease the environmental footprint of other sectors in society), as well as overarching aspects pertaining to the role of, and the relationship between ICT and individual, collective, organizational and societal sustainability. The SF Lab team takes an interest in issues relating to and spanning aspects of environmental, social and economic sustainability, but, with a focus on environmental sustainability.

The SF Lab team is responsible for courses pertaining to sustainability:
DM2573 Sustainability and Media Technology

DM2720 Sustainable ICT in Practice

There is a new master's programme, Sustainable Digitalisation starting in the autumn of 2024. Read more

The team has formulated, and will continue to formulate, topics for bachelor and master theses. These topics and regular updates on what the team is doing are published on the SF Lab blog

For a list of team/sustainability-related publications, please see individual members' KTH homepages below. The SF Lab team members are:

Team leaders

Team members