COIN – Co-adaptive human-robot interactive systems
The main goal is to develop a systematic, bi-directional short- and long-term adaptive framework that yields safe, effective, efficient, and socially acceptable robot behaviors and human-robot interactions.
The research topics involved in the development of the targeted methodology include:
- long-term adaptive reinforcement learning approaches for affect-based co-adaptation in social HRI;
- methods for adapting the robot’s linguistic behaviour to the user and for entraining the users’ linguistic behaviour
- methods for correct-by-design task planning, re-planning and robot control under uncertainty and model adaptation based on formal verification; and
- techniques for learning of predictive state representation
This is a collaboration between:
- Department of Speech Music and Hearing, KTH
- Computer Vision and Active Perception Lab, KTH
- Automatic Control, School of Electrical Engineering, KTH
- Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
Total funding: 33 MSEK
Ginevra Castellano
Funding: SSF (Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning)
Duration: 2016-05-01 - 2020-12-31