Sök finansiering för att anställa en gemensam doktorand med ett internationellt partneruniversitet
Publicerad 2025-02-15Nu har du som forskare vid KTH möjlighet att ansöka om delfinansiering om 500 000 kr per år under en fyraårsperiod för att anställa en doktorand tillsammans med ett av KTH:s internationella partneruni...
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Call for support for visits at the University of Tokyo as a researcher or lecturer, 2024/2025
Publicerad 2024-05-20At KTH, we now open a sixth call for supporting visits as a visiting researcher or guest lecturer at the University of Tokyo. The call aims at mobility during the academic year 2024/25, but stays can ...
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SJTU-KTH Collaborative Research and Development Seed Grants in 2024
Publicerad 2024-05-13You now have the opportunity to apply for seed funding from KTH and our strategic partner Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The seed grants aim to promote further joint research and education collaborati...
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Seed funding via HKUST-KTH Global Knowledge Network Awards 2024
Publicerad 2024-04-03Do you, as academic staff, have a project you want to realise in cooperation with one of KTH's strategic partner universities, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)? The call for ...
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International Immersion Experience scholarship
Publicerad 2023-06-07International Immersion Experience-stipendium IIT Madras välkomnar KTH-doktorander (i sina tidiga skeden av doktorandstudier) för att uppleva korta forskningsutbyten.
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NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow
Publicerad 2023-03-22NTU invites outstanding early-career researchers to apply for an appointment as an NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow. The PPF aims to provide the opportunity for outstanding early career researcher...
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Apply for postdoctoral fellowship split between KTH and NTU Singapore
Publicerad 2021-11-23Are you interested in conducting two years of independent research, split between KTH and KTH’s strategical partner NTU Singapore? Apply for Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022 be...
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