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Göran Finnveden

Profile picture of Göran Finnveden





Researcher ID

About me

I am a Professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis at the Division of Sustainabilty Assessment and Management at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 

Since 2022 I am the Program Director for the research program Mistra Sustainable Consumption - from niche to mainstream. The program aims to stimulate a transition to sustainable consumption in Sweden and internationally by contributing knowledge on how sustainable consumption practices can become mainstream. The program includes approximately 25 partners from academia, businesses, public sector and civil society.

My research interests include sustainable consumption, life cycle assessment and other sustainability assessment tools, environmental impacts of digitalization, and integration of sustainable development in higher education institutions.

Between 2011 and 2021, I was Vice-president for sustainable development at KTH. In that role I worked with integration of sustainable development in education, research and collaboration across the whole university. I was also working together with KTH's sustainability manager on reducing KTH's own environmental impact.  I was also a member of KTH's management council.

Between 2003 and 2011 I was Head of the division of Environmental Strategies Research at KTH. During this period, the division established itself at KTH. In 2013 it merged with other units to become SEED. Between 1998 and 2005 I was a researcher and research leader at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and between 1988 and 1998 a researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. I have a M.Sc in Chemical Engineering from KTH (1989), a PhD in Natural Resources Management from Stockholm University (1999) and am a Docent in Industrial Ecology at KTH (2003).

I have published quite a lot in different subjects. Besides scientific publications, I put a lot of emphasis on presenting results to different stakeholders and the public through presentations at seminars and similar events, participation in media, reports that are targeted towards different stakeholders, articles in specialists press, opinion papers in daily press etc. According to Scopus (November 2023) I have published 121 papers with over 10000 citations and an h-factor of 45. According to Google Scholar I have more than 21000 citations and an h-factor of 62. (Please note that the publication list on this site does not include older publications).

I have been appointed by Swedish governments to boards and commissions:

* Member of the Board of the Stockholm Environment Institute (2020-)
* Member of the Swedish Government’s Scientific Council on Sustainable Development (2015-2018).
* Member of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Minister of Environment (2012-2014)
* Member of the Board of Governors of the Nuclear Waste Fund (2012-2015)
* Expert in the Governmental Commission on waste management  (2011-2012)
* Expert in the Governmental Commission on taxation of treatment of solid waste (2003-2005).

I have also had a number of other national and international committments, for example:

* Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research (2021- ).
* Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Energy field at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2019-).
* Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Joint Programme Initiative Urban Europe (2012-2020).
* Member of the board of directors of the International Sustainable Campus Network (2017-2021).
* Member of the advisory board of Aalto University’s Sustainability Hub (2018-2020 ).
* Member of the Board of the Research Center Misum at the Stockholm School of Economics (2020-2022).
* Chairman of the review panel of Swedish Higher Education Authority’s thematic evaluation of sustainable development in higher education (2016-2017).
* Member of the review panel of the research evaluation of the Department of Technology, Management and Economics at the Technical University of Denmark (2017).
* Member of the review panel of the energy field of the Helmholtz Association at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2018).
* Member of the review panel of MISTRA Urban Futures at Chalmers (2019).
* Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Finnish Environment Institute (2012-2015).
* Member of the Academic Council of the Academy of the Swedish savings banks (2008-2010).
* Member of the Waste Council at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (2005-2008),

I am a member of the editorial boards (or equivalent) of several scientific journals including The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, and Journal of Cleaner Production.


Degree Project in Energy and Environment, First level (AL127X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Industrial Ecology, Second Cycle (AL227X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), examiner | Course web

Digitalisation and Innovation for Sustainable Development (AL1523), teacher | Course web

Energy, Environment and Sustainable development (AL1351), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Environmental Aspects of the Built Environment (AG2806), examiner | Course web

Environmental System Analysis and Decision making (AL2181), teacher | Course web

Life Cycle Assessment (AL2608), teacher | Course web

Life Cycle Assessment, Advanced Course (FAG3202), examiner | Course web

Methods in Sustainability Science (FAL3512), teacher | Course web

System Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (BB2570), teacher | Course web

Transport, Communication and Sustainable Development (AG2804), examiner | Course web