Stefano Markidis
About me
Stefano Markidis is a Professor of Computer Science with specialization in high-performance computing systems, including supercomputers and quantum computers. Markidis holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MS from Politecnico di Torino. Before joining KTH, he was a researcher at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and KULeuven.
Applied GPU Programming (DD2360), examiner, teacher | Course web
Applied Quantum Machine Learning (FDD3268), examiner | Course web
Computational Methods for Electromagnetics (DD2370), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, First Cycle (DA150X), assistant | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, Second Cycle (DA231X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, Second Cycle (DA239X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, Second Cycle (DA250X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in Communication Systems, Second Cycle (DA246X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in Embedded Systems, Second Cycle (DA248X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in ICT Innovation, Second Cycle (DA256X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in ICT Innovation, Second Cycle (DA258X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Industrial Management, Second Cycle (DA235X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Machine Learning, Second Cycle (DA233X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Systems, Control and Robotics, Second Cycle (DA236X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Systems, Control and Robotics, Second Cycle (EA236X), examiner | Course web
High-performance Computing for Computational Scientists (FDD3260), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Introduction to High Performance Computing (DD2358), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Introduction to High Performance Computing (FDD3258), teacher | Course web
Methods in High Performance Computing (DD2356), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Operating Systems (ID1200), teacher | Course web
Parallel Computing: Theory - Hardware - Software with Special Focus on Multi-Core Programming (FDD3003), teacher, assistant | Course web
Project Course in High-Performance Computing (DD2375), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists (DD2367), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists (FDD3280), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web