Patricia Cirera Diaz
Doctoral student, Research Engineer
About me
Patricia has been working as a full-time PhD student at the unit of Digital Learning at KTH since 2020. Her doctoral research focuses on studying how digital tools are used in teacher education to support student teachers’ learning and to develop their digital competence. She is, for example, interested in how digital response systems can encourage student participation within teacher education. More generally, her research interests include digital competence, participation and the use of digital tools.
Since 2017, Patricia has been employed as an educational developer at KTH, primarily working in the MOOC team (edX) and in the working group for digital examinations, although she is currently on leave for her PhD studies. She is a qualified upper secondary school teacher in English and Spanish (graduated in 2010) and has always had a strong interest in language, learning, and digital competence. During her ten years as a teacher in various upper secondary schools in the Stockholm area, she consistently aimed to develop the use of digital tools in ways that support student learning in diverse ways. She has also authored several books on the use of digital tools for learning.
Communication, Leadership and Learning Design (LT1016), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Subject-Based Teaching and Learning, Second Cycle (LT201X), assistant | Course web
Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), teacher | Course web
Digital Learning in Higher Education (LH238V), teacher | Course web
Digital Learning in Higher Education (LH238U), teacher | Course web
Programme integrating course (LT1040), teacher | Course web
Subject-based teaching and learning (LT1017), teacher | Course web