Course Description
Course goals:
The course will provide an overview of plant biotechnology with focus on industrial applications. The course will even provide basic knowledge in plant biology, plant molecular biology and plant biochemistry.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: * describe the plant cell, its characteristic organelles as well as the composition, structure and properties of the plant cell wall, * describe mechanisms of plant cell signaling and gene regulation, |
Wild Arabidopsis |
* describe the function of plant hormones and their physiological role during plant development and the plant's life cycle,
* describe plant hormone receptors and explain their cellular signaling,
* describe different methods for transformation of plants or plant cells, including their specific advantages and applications,
* describe the different model plants, including their specific advantages and applications,
* give examples of, and describe, plant biotech applications within forestry, agriculture, phytoremediation and production of new materials, pharmaceuticals and bio-fuels,
* describe current regulations regarding production and use of GMOs in Sweden and the world
* research an application of plant or forestry biotechnology and present the results in a well-structured oral presentation as well as in written form
* present and discuss a laboratory experiment in written form
Course content:
The course comprises introductory plant biology followed by plant biotechnology. Selected topics include Plant anatomy, development and life cycle, Plant cell and plant cell wall, Plant cell signaling and gene regulation, Plant hormones, Plant carbohydrate metabolism, Plant tissue culture, Transformation of plants or plant cells, Stress, pathogen and herbicide tolerance, Model plants, Improved nutritional content and functional foods, Phytoremediation, Forest biotechnology, Plants as green factories: production of plastics, fats/oils, fibers, proteins and biofuels, GMO-regulations, Microalagae and Synthetic Biology.
BB2240 Introduction to biotechnology, BB1020 Cell biology, BB1040 Biochemistry and BB1060 Molecular biotechnology
One written examination (TEN 1; 4 hp, grades A-F), laboratory course (LAB1; 2 hp, grades Pass/Fail) and literature task (ÖVN1; 1.5 hp, grades Pass/Fail)
Course literature:
Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation Of Plants, by Adrian Slater, Nigel Scott and Mark Fowler, 2nd Edition, 2008, Oxford University Press.
Engelska / English
Course organization
Period 1
Lectures 40h
Laboratory exercises 10h
Course organizer
Ines Ezcurra
tel. +46 8 5537 8388